Toronto Star

Share the wealth


All bake sales are not created equal. And neither is extracurri­cular fun for Ontario’s school children.

Kids in affluent areas enjoy a wealth of after-class opportunit­ies, such as magic lessons and lunchtime yoga, while children in poor neighbourh­oods pretty much go without. The same holds true for access to equipments­uch as computers, science apparatus, musical instrument­s, DVD players — even entire playground­s.

That’s because schools in well-off areas receive extra support for extracurri­cular programs — in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars — from affluent neighbourh­ood families. They raise money in many ways, from bake sales to dance-athons, while parents in poor areas simply can’t afford to give as much.

As a result, public schools are at risk of becoming a two-tiered system, offering one education experience to well-off kids and quite another for the disadvanta­ged. Ironically, poor youngsters could benefit most from after-school “extras,” since they have fewer opportunit­ies at home. But — to the shame of a system that should serve all kids equally — they’re deprived at school, too.

As reported by the Star’s Patty Winsa, Toronto’s top 20 public elementary schools, located mainly in affluent areas, raised $3.9 million in total in 2012-13. In contrast, the bottom 20 schools managed to scrape together less than $44,000.

That’s a shocking disparity. As a former member of the Toronto District School Board, and a past education minister, Premier Kathleen Wynne should be well aware of the problem. She has no excuse for tolerating this inequity.

Since 2012, parent councils in schools have been required to report their fundraisin­g activities and spending each year. Education officials should use that informatio­n to share the wealth by putting a reasonable limit on unfettered fundraisin­g.

Once they reached that level, affluent school supporters could continue raising money, but a percentage of the subsequent revenue would go into a fund to be shared by schools in poorer areas.

Under such a system, engaged parents would still be encouraged to raise funds and kids in well-off neighbourh­oods would benefit from their efforts. But a good share of the money (perhaps 50 per cent) would flow to disadvanta­ged children who stand to benefit most from extracurri­cular activities.

Ontario should ensure that kids in poor schools benefit as well

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