Toronto Star

Boko Haram terrorized 800,000 kids, UN says


LAGOS, NIGERIA— The children’s drawings show men with guns, a coffin, a car exploding. One picture has sticklike figures of eight siblings missed by their teenage sister.

The disturbing images come from some of an estimated 800,000 children forced from their homes by Boko Haram extremists, according to a UNICEF report published Monday.

Called “Missing Childhoods,” the report was published ahead of the first anniversar­y of the mass kidnapping­s the night of April 14-15, 2014, of nearly 300 schoolgirl­s from Chibok. Dozens escaped, but 219 remain missing. The report says the number of refugee children has doubled in the past year, making them half of all the 1.5 million Nigerians made homeless in the Islamic uprising.

“Children have become deliberate targets, often subjected to extreme violence — from sexual abuse and forced marriage to kidnapping­s and brutal killings,” the report says. “Children have also become weapons, made to fight alongside armed groups and at times used as human bombs.”

The number of children absent from primary school in Nigeria has increased from eight million in 2007 to 10.5 million — the highest figure in the world, it says. Boko Haram has targeted schools, destroying or severely damaging more than 300 and killing 314 students and 196 teachers, UNICEF says. The nickname of Nigeria’s Islamic extremist group, Boko Haram, means “Western education is forbidden” or sinful.

One picture in the UNICEF report shows stick figures of the eight siblings missed by Rita, a 14-year-old separated from her parents by the violence. “When you have your mother around, you (are) not worried about anything. But if she is missing . . . you are worried the whole time,” the report quotes Rita as saying.

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