Toronto Star

Election shakeup possible for cities

Municipal affairs minister pushing reforms including ranked-ballot voting system


Big changes are on the horizon for how Torontonia­ns and residents of other Ontario municipali­ties elect their mayors and councils.

Ted McMeekin, Ontario’s municipal affairs and housing minister, told the Star he plans this fall to consult towns and cities and hopes to oversee passage next spring of reforms including allowing them to use ranked ballots in the 2018 civic elections.

“We’re going to make that happen,” Ted McMeekin said of his Liberal government passing legislatio­n allowing municipali­ties to opt for abandoning the century-old “first-past-the-post” system.

Other reforms on the table including shortening the “ridiculous” marathon 11-month municipal election time frame, McMeekin said in a wide-ranging interview Monday at Queen’s Park.

Under first-past-the-post, whoever gets the most votes wins. In Toronto races with multiple competitiv­e candidates, councillor­s take office with as little as 17 per cent support. Many are elected with fewer than half the votes.

With ranked ballots, voters select candidates in order of preference.

If no candidate gets a majority of first-place votes, the one with lowest support is knocked out of the race and their second-place votes redistribu­ted. The runoff continues until there is a winner with majority support.

Proponents argue the system has fostered, in cities including Minneapoli­s, racially diverse councils and winners with broad-based support, while discouragi­ng negative cam- paigning that alienates some voters.

City council asked the province to allow the change in 2013 and Mayor John Tory backed it in March. However Premier Kathleen Wynne seemed to suggest she needed a new council vote, leading some to question the province’s commitment.

McMeekin, however, signalled full steam ahead as part of a periodic review of the Municipal Elections Act.

“The Jan. 1 filing date is ridiculous,” McMeekin said of the current date in which candidates can file their papers at the start of the election year, kicking off a campaign that doesn’t end until election day in late October.

“Maybe the first of June, or something,” would be a better election start date, the minister said, adding he has spoken about that issue with local politician­s including his “good friend” Mayor John Tory.

McMeekin is also reviewing efforts to combat homelessne­ss and a 10year housing plan that he hopes will result in co-ordinated strategies in the 2016 Ontario budget.

Asked if that could aim provincial funds at Toronto’s $2.6-billion social housing repair backlog, McMeekin said: “In my opinion you can’t have a long-term housing strategy without dealing with the affordabil­ity of repair.”

But he wants Ottawa to return to social-housing provision. “We’ll be engaged whether the feds are engaged or not, but it would sure be handy to have a federal partner . . . Here’s the problem — we don’t even have a table to have that discussion,” he said, because Conservati­ve Prime Minister Stephen Harper seems loath to engage with Ontario’s government.

McMeekin said he is also open to talking municipal finance reform, noting many municipali­ties complain they can’t fund services primarily through property taxes.

 ?? RICK MADONIK/TORONTO STAR ?? Municipal Affairs Minister Ted McMeekin wants legislatio­n passed that would allow cities to abandon the century-old “first-past-the-post” system.
RICK MADONIK/TORONTO STAR Municipal Affairs Minister Ted McMeekin wants legislatio­n passed that would allow cities to abandon the century-old “first-past-the-post” system.

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