Toronto Star

Restrictio­n of ombud’s oversight questioned

Police services boards would be exempt from scrutiny


The opposition is raising alarm bells after the Liberal government quietly pulled back on oversight powers promised to ombudsman André Marin, axing police services boards from the list.

After passing a much-trumpeted accountabi­lity lawin December, Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government passed a regulation behind closed doors exempting police boards from examinatio­n by the ombudsman’s office at a time when carding and other issues are in the news.

“It sends the wrong message on openness and transparen­cy,” said Progressiv­e Conservati­ve house leader Steve Clark.

“The government says one thing and then it does something completely different.”

He said the timing of the move “seems curious” given that the chair of the Greater Sudbury Police Services Board — a prominent Liberal fundraiser and operative — is under OPP investigat­ion for bribery.

The probe involving Gerry Lougheed Jr. centres on allegation­s he offered a job to former Liberal candidate Andrew Olivier to keep him out of last February’s byelection, which was won by former New Democrat MP Glenn Thibeault after he defected to the provincial Liberals.

Lougheed has denied any wrongdoing.

Treasury Board President Deb Matthews defended the change, saying the Public Sector and MPP Accountabi­lity and Transparen­cy Act significan­tly expanded ombudsman oversight to municipali­ties, school boards and more.

“Whenever you do something like that you have to say, OK, how far, where do you draw the lines?” she told reporters Monday.

“When it comes to police, there is a lot of oversight of police services boards already . . . it’s not a loss of oversight, it’s that it wasn’t added.”

Police boards are overseen by the Ontario Civilian Police Commission, Matthews said.

The request for an exemption was made by a number of large police services boards.

That creates a dangerous precedent that other public bodies will ask to be excluded from ombudsman oversight as well, Clark warned.

Marin declined comment. His second five-year term in the watchdog post has been extended until mid-September while an all-party legislativ­e committee considers whether to keep him on or hire someone new.

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