Toronto Star

There’s gold at your feet

- Mark Cullen

“Dad, what would you do if you were mayor?”

My son asked me this question while sitting in a small boat with a fishing rod in his hands.

“I would plant a lot more trees, for one thing,” I told him. “That would save the city money by reducing infrastruc­ture costs and I would use the money saved to plant more trees.”

I went on. “And I would stop picking up leaves that people shovel to the end of their driveway . . . And I would take half the money that I saved and invest it in a campaign to educate people about how they can use leaves to their advantage. I would use the other half of the money to plant more trees.”

The trees that grow in our city are a very valuable asset, as are the leaves that they produce. Here are my five alternativ­es to throwing your leaves away: 1. Make a meal for your earthworms. Leaves are 100 per cent carbon. All of the life is sucked out of them as sap moves from the top portion of the tree into its roots as it prepares itself for winter. I recommend that you rake the leaves off of your lawn, where they can kill it by blocking the beneficial rays of the sun from contact with grass blades, and rake them onto your garden. Simple. Just leave them there to rot. They become fodder for earthworms, which convert them into nitrogen rich worm-castings which are good for everything that grows.

By fostering a healthy earthworm population, your garden soil will “open up” as they tunnel their way to and fro, allowing oxygen to move into the root zone of your precious garden plants. It is all good. 2. Compost. Run your power mower over your leaves after you have heaped them up about 20 centimetre­s high. Raise your lawn mower to its highest setting before you do this and wear safety glasses. Rake up the mulched leaves, which will have been reduced to less than 5 per cent of their pre-mulching volume and place in your compost bin. 3. Mulch your leaves. Repeat the same exercise as in No. 2, only this time don’t make the pile quite so high. Fifteen centimetre­s will do the job and if your leaves are dry, so much the better. You will notice that when you mulch your leaves in this way they disappear into nowhere. Well, that isn’t exactly true. They are driven into the root zone of your grass plants where they break down naturally in the wet and cold pre- winter weather — out of your sight and doing a great job for your lawn. Remember that the most important fertilizer applicatio­n for your lawn is right now through early November. Use a winterizer formula. 4. Into the woods. There are many people who do this and a few of them feel guilty about it. No need. The soil that exists on the floor of a mature forest was placed there by Mother Nature to create a bed of humus in which the trees of the forest can put down roots and take nutrition. If you own a cottage with a lawn this is a practical use of fallen leaves. Ditto a city property that backs on to a ravine or conservati­on area. 5. Include oak leaves. Despite the myth that oak leaves should not be used for mulch, this is not true. If you rake oak leaves into piles about 20 to 25 centimetre­s high and run your lawn mower over them (as in point No. 2) you will have pulverized the little devils into small pieces that will rot down in time and provide valuable fibre for your compost or flower beds. In other words, tip No. 1 works just fine with oak leaves, but you really should mulch them first. It is true, by the way, that oak leaves take longer to break down than most other leaves, but no problem. They add value to your soil during every stage of their decomposit­ion.

Leaves are good for the earth and good for your garden. The only problem with leaves is the attitude we have about sanitizing our yards of them before we batten down the hatches for winter. Mark Cullen is an expert gardener, author, broadcaste­r and garden editor of Reno & Decor magazine. Get his free monthly newsletter at Watch him on CTV Canada AM every Wednesday at 8:45 a.m. Email him at groundskee­ Follow him on Twitter @MarkCullen­4 and Facebook.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Worms convert leaves to nitrogen-rich worm-castings — excellent for soil. Rake your leaves into your garden.
DREAMSTIME Worms convert leaves to nitrogen-rich worm-castings — excellent for soil. Rake your leaves into your garden.
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