Toronto Star


Todd Korol took a famous photo the night of Harper’s first election win as Conservati­ve leader. He returned to Calgary Monday to close a chapter


The sentiment of that Calgary night was simple in 2006: the West was in. As the confetti and streamers rained down on Stephen Harper, he stood with one hand held high, the other clutching his young daughter Rachel’s. His family on stage with him, Harper looked like he wanted to break out in a jig. I have covered Harper on each election night victory, starting with Jan. 23, 2006. I was on assignment for Time magazine. On that cold January night, the Conservati­ves’ room at the convention centre was electric. As the polls came in, the room got louder. After it became clear Harper would be Canada’s 22nd prime minister, the first Western Canadian, there was no more sitting down for this crowd.On the stage, I saw his staff had marked X spots for him and his family. Podium shots aren’t exciting so I took a position that would give a better view when the family walked to their spots. After his acceptance speech, they walked to their places on cue and my image was made. A few weeks later, one of his staffers told me the PM loved the photo in Time and wanted a copy. I printed two and he signed one saying “Todd, thank you for the great shot, you captured the moment perfectly, Stephen Harper.” In Calgary on Monday night for the Star, the room was sombre from the outset. Up in the rafters, there were no balloons at the ready. Polls came in and the room got quieter. When Harper appeared onstage to polite applause, there were no X marks. He looked ready to give a eulogy. After a short speech, he stepped away, seeming unsure which way to exit, and solemnly raised his hands giving the thumbs-up, with lips pursed. He stepped down from the stage, walked past the huge Canadian flag on the wall and he was gone. I have yet to be asked for this election photo.

 ??  ?? Stephen Harper celebrates his win on Jan. 23, 2006 with wife Laureen and kids Ben and Rachel.
Stephen Harper celebrates his win on Jan. 23, 2006 with wife Laureen and kids Ben and Rachel.
 ?? TODD KOROL PHOTOS/TORONTO STAR ?? The defeated prime minister puts on a brave face as he exits the stage Monday.
TODD KOROL PHOTOS/TORONTO STAR The defeated prime minister puts on a brave face as he exits the stage Monday.

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