Toronto Star

A struggle over the soul of the nation


The dismissal of Stephen Harper and his Conservati­ves provides welcome and palpable relief for those Canadians they tried to browbeat, bully and frighten into submission. This election, more than any other in the past 40 years, was about the soul of our nation. Canadians came down squarely on the side of decency, fairness and inclusivit­y as the moral foundation­s of political leadership.

Mr. Harper now understand­s that democratic government­s are not in power to abuse it. They are not there to frighten, intimidate and shut up our nation’s researcher­s and scientists; to value the lives of First Nation women less than others; nor to marginaliz­e and badmouth all refugees while ostracizin­g the physicians, nurses and others who care for them.

They are there to govern with respect and inclusion for all in this country. Bullying those Canadians whose opinions differ from theirs became the nasty, bulldozing hallmark of the Conservati­ves under the stamp of Mr. Harper. Thankfully, it is now this belligeren­ce and opposition­al defiant government behaviour that Canadians rejected.

I suspect the same feeling of release and relief is being felt by many across Canada. Justin Trudeau was bang on in his postelecti­on conversati­on with Canadians. Sunnier days! Dr. Paul Caulford, Toronto

“The electorate has spoken. Now it’s up to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to deliver. The election night euphoria will not last forever.” MAX DESOUZA TORONTO

It’s not a new Canada as the Star’s Tuesday headline suggests. It’s still the same old Canada: relatively progressiv­e and openminded. But back to the future? Not quite.

Almost a decade of Harper’s rule failed to destroy this nation. His attempts to turn us into a country of fear, hate and discrimina­tion didn’t work, as the results demonstrat­ed. Despite its imperfecti­ons, the first-past-the-post system served us well.

And yet again the NDP’s move to the right cost them dearly and, as happened here in Ontario last year, they paid the price. When Canadians want change they vote for it, as they did last spring in Alberta and nationally on Monday.

Although I don’t expect a full-fledged just society to emerge under Trudeau the Younger, he does have a golden opportunit­y to restore Canada’s tattered reputation on the global stage, while jump-starting our economy through a welcome dose of Keynesian stimulus spending.

Where Canada goes now is up to the Liberals. They can start by following through on their election promises. Andrew van Velzen, Toronto

On the day Trudeau is sworn in, he should instruct Statistics Canada to restore the mandatory long-form census, if possible in time for the 2016 census. This simple action would be widely popular, would help the economy, and won’t need legislatio­n.

No single action taken by the Harper government has been so thoroughly discredite­d and condemned as making the longform census voluntary. If Mr. Trudeau wants to signal he is serious about real change, he should make it clear that this Parliament will use data, not ideology, to make decisions. Howard Goodman, Toronto

After a decade of misguided right-wing policies, Trudeau can restore Canada to what it once was: a country ruled under the principles of fairness and respect for opposing opinions.

The fact that the Liberals hold seats in all parts of the country offers the hope that the divisivene­ss, the choosing of winners and losers, the cynical manipulati­on of the process of government in order to achieve political advantage will end.

The damage to Canada’s system of government due to Harper’s disdain for the Parliament, the judicial system and the civil service cannot be remedied immediatel­y. It took the Conservati­ves almost 10 years of bullying, conniving and trickery to try to bend Canada into a right-wing utopia where power and money were all that was needed to succeed. I sincerely trust that it will not take that long to restore us to the country we once were, that the majority of fair-minded Canadians wanted. Richard Murri, Niagara Falls, Ont.

I woke up on Oct. 20. It was a normal day. There were no flocks of bluebirds twittering on my window sill, no unicorns gamboling in the backyard and no geese offering to lay golden eggs. The Liberal steamrolle­r had flattened the Conservati­ves, kneecapped Thomas Mulcair and pushed the niqab issue off a cliff.

But the world was still turning and its problems were still there. Though the Liberal party comes with plenty of baggage, it deserves a chance to do what it promised within a reasonable amount of time. Right now it glitters. Let’s step away for a while and admire the glow, and see what we can do to help. Geoff Rytell, Toronto

Among the other positive outcomes from the election, the outgoing prime minister was denied any opportunit­y to create any further political mayhem. One can only speculate at what he may have tried, had no party got a clear majority.

Instead, he has been soundly beaten, and now one of the most disliked — and unlikeable — prime ministers this country has ever known has now gone. Thank you to all my fellow Canadians for making this possible. Colin Hoare, Georgetown

Haroon Siddiqui states that nearly 70 per cent of Canadians said Harper’s values were not theirs. True. And over 60 per cent of Canadians said that Trudeau’s values were not theirs, either. We can hope that Mr. Trudeau will strive to avoid divisivene­ss by rememberin­g that a large majority of the electorate did want someone else to represent them, and that inclusiven­ess does mean representi­ng all of the citizens of Canada, not just those who voted Liberal. Jay Miller, Oakville A strong Liberal majority. Beyond wildest dreams, even though I voted NDP. I love that Trudeau’s optimism and faith in Canadians took the day. It was the Seabiscuit effect: amidst a climate of uncertaint­y and anxiety, we bet on the underdog that kept defying the odds. And I think the Jays played a part: we felt unified from coast to coast in cheering them on, and we were reminded of how great it felt to have common ground with and goodwill towards each other. Michelle McCarthy, Toronto Congratula­tions Mr. Trudeau and good luck from all of us weary from Mr. Harper’s overstay at the national dinner party.

It can be wholeheart­edly agreed that you appear to be a good, smart and caring man. So why not call NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair and Green party Leader Elizabeth May to dissolve their respective parties and join the Liberals in creating a super Centrist Dynamo that will surely keep a nasty, divisive, angry, selfish and all-round un-Canadian party like the Conservati­ves in the political shadows for a long, long time — if not forever.

The time has (finally) arrived for all Canadians to enjoy equality, harmony and respect. Dan Fraser, Toronto Re Our long national nightmare is over, Letters

Oct. 20 I’m truly amazed at the tone of the letters after the election. Obviously these people saw Harper as divisive, meanspirit­ed, unChristia­n, and even unCanadian. Now that he’s been replaced, they must believe that all evil in the world has been banished. How sad for them that reality must eventually intrude, as Trudeau’s obvious talent for bromides and jingoism will eventually wear thin, even in the eyes of the Star. Paul Graham, Mississaug­a

When the election results die down, what will the Star print without Harper-bashing editorials, letters and articles?

Your paper will be much thinner. Ron Watt, Orillia, Ont.

Your coverage of the election was fantastic. Your team of journalist­s has written great articles. Mr. Harper has done great damage to our country. As a Muslim Canadian, our community was living in fear. This morning I feel proud to be a Canadian over the way Canadians voted. Rafat Khan, Mississaug­a

I believe it’s safe to say that not since former prime minister Brian Mulroney has a prime minister of Canada been so reviled by the majority of Canadians. J. Richard Wright, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.

How quickly we went from “Nice hair, though,” to “Nice heir, though.”

It’s all his — the job, the house, the charisma and the global reputation of the sexiest politician alive. Mirek Lalas, Aurora

Re Editorial cartoon, Oct. 21 Yet another knee-jerk cynical offering from Theo Moudakis. Canadians who voted for Mr. Harper (one in three who turned out) are insulted. Yes there were problems, but are you not allowed to be celebrator­y of Mr. Trudeau’s team and all it can mean to us? Peg Earle, Toronto

Re Trudeau says he will honour election refugee

pledge, Oct. 22 Interestin­g that it deserves a news story that an elected politician actually plans to carry out one of his election promises.

Very refreshing, and very rare. Michael Cole, Toronto

Great to have Justin back where he belongs. You’re looking great, Justin. Emile Therien, Ottawa

I offer this conundrum about “fear and hope.” I do fear that the Liberals will revert to their status as a subcontrac­tor for the “Bay Street boys.” I do hope that the Liberals will not revert to their status as a subcontrac­tor for the same “boys.”

A new approach to governing with more than rhetoric about “the people of Canada” as primary focus would be a definite breath of fresh air. D. Bruce Turton, Edmonton

No doubt Trudeau’s charisma was a major factor in his victory. However, it may be well to recall former prime minister Kim Campbell’s caution: “Charisma without substance is a dangerous thing.” Nick Lerway, Scarboroug­h

As a retired widower, I’m just over the moon that Harper will no longer be able to wreak further depredatio­ns on Canada’s environmen­t, economy and, crucially, its world reputation. Ian D’Mello, Barrie, Ont.

It’s to be hoped that Trudeau doesn’t make the same mistake his father made in alienating the Western provinces. Pierre Trudeau swept to victory in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario, and instead of wooing the West he said, “Well, why should I sell the Canadian farmers’ wheat?”

If Justin really has a “positive vision” of a truly united Canada, he should do his best to bring Manitoba, Saskatchew­an, Alberta and B.C. into the fold.

Also, Canada’s next governor general should be a Westerner. William Bedford, Newmarket I could understand that Ontarians felt it was time for a change, but it is beyond me how they can vote for Liberals after the total mismanagem­ent by Premier Kathleen Wynne and her predecesso­r costing the people of Ontario billions of dollars. I guess the old adage prevails: we get the government we deserve. Bert Raphael, Toronto

Harper did not even have the courage to personally announce that he was stepping down as leader of the Conservati­ves. It further confirms that Canadians were correct in ensuring they were “just not ready” for another four years of Mr. Harper. Mary Kuzyk, Mississaug­a

Mr. Harper can now use a niqab for covering his face to save himself from embarrassm­ent upon his unceremoni­ous exit from Sussex Drive. We won’t be offended. Muhammad Tariq, Mississaug­a

Mr. Trudeau should proceed without delay to get rid of bills C-24 and C-51, start planning for proportion­al representa­tion and move on the Syrian refugee issue. Shahira Hafez, Mississaug­a

Who would have envisioned such results at the start of this marathon election? That annoying, “he’s just not ready” negative TV pitch that was aired ad nauseam probably swayed countless voters to Justin. Political pundits agree that Harper’s willingnes­s to be feted by the notorious Ford clan was like a drowning man flaying for something, anything. From my Catholic boyhood, I would describe such a questionab­le scrum, in liturgical terms, as the last rites.

Rest in peace, Steve, but you really should have chosen better company for that last hurrah. Garry Burke, Coldwater, Ont.

I suggest the Star publish a monthly report card on Trudeau to let readers know when, whether and how he fulfils his campaign promises. It would help him to stay accountabl­e. Ellen Manney, Toronto

The electorate has spoken. Now it’s up to Trudeau’s Liberals to deliver. The election night euphoria will not last forever. Max Desouza, Toronto

Goodbye Stephen. Welcome Prime Minister Trudeau! Diane Lapidus, Thornhill

Oh Canada! How sweet the sound (again, and at long last). Saeed Hydaralli, Providence, R.I.

If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of Canadians from coast to coast sewing Canadian flags back on to their travel backpacks. Thank you Prime Minister Trudeau! Peter Dick, Toronto

Some $3 billion wasted in Ontario between the gas plant scandal, eHealth and the ORNGE debacles. The selling of Hydro One is icing on the cake. I can’t wait to see what the Liberals can do at the federal level if they get the chance. Mike Bakos, Bowmanvill­e

I’m sure Trudeau personally thanked Hazel McCallion after the election. I’m not so sure Harper contacted the Ford family. Richard Nolan, Mississaug­a

Can I start destroying all those nasty Economic Action Plan signs I see now? Bob Larocque, Carrying Place, Ont.

I heard that Harper tried to call the Barbaric Cultural Practices hotline on Oct. 19. And why not? Most of us Barba-Canadians had somehow conspired to band together and engage in the heinous cultural practice of dumping a sitting majority PM. Ajay Rao, Toronto

Does this spell the doom of the Barbaric Cultural Practices hotline? Bill Roberts, Picton, Ont.

Mr. Harper will awake in Calgary this week and realize his mayor is a Muslim, his premier is an NDPer and his prime minister is Mr. Trudeau. Can you say instant karma! Gary Brigden, Toronto

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Justin Trudeau and Stephen Harper at a ceremony in Ottawa on Thursday, honouring two fallen Canadian soldiers.
SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS Justin Trudeau and Stephen Harper at a ceremony in Ottawa on Thursday, honouring two fallen Canadian soldiers.
 ??  ?? Prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau heads to a press conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Oct. 20, a day after winning a stunning election victory.
Prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau heads to a press conference on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Oct. 20, a day after winning a stunning election victory.

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