Toronto Star

Warm welcome awaits Trudeau on world stage

- Tony Burman

So that’s it, the end of the Harper era, done and dusted. It was as decisive a message from Canadians as one could have imagined. The road back for Canada to repair its damaged and diminished place in the world will not be easy, but thankfully it has begun.

Justin Trudeau’s dramatic victory received considerab­le internatio­nal attention this week, far more than past Canadian elections. Obviously, some of it was due to memories of Justin’s father, the late Pierre Elliott Trudeau, and his mother, Margaret Trudeau.

And there was excited notice in the world’s social media and tabloid press of Justin Trudeau’s good looks, his trim physique and beautiful wife. “A super hot new leader,” as one news website described him.

But the potential global meaning of Canada’s election received even more attention. The results clearly startled Canada’s allies. Canadians brought to a close the widely unpopular Harper era, in which Canada became known for incessantl­y hectoring and lecturing all and sundry but actually delivering little of substance on the world stage.

Equally surprising to many outside of Canada, Canadians voted for a centre-left government that rejects fiscal austerity, promises that climate change will become a priority, favours diplomatic solutions over military posturing and vows to increase its engagement with internatio­nal bodies such as the United Nations.

Justin Trudeau’s formal introducti­on to the world will not take long. He will be sworn in as prime minister on Nov. 4, and then has a breathtaki­ng series of high-level internatio­nal meetings ahead.

He is expected to attend the G20 summit in Turkey in mid-November and then immediatel­y fly to the Philippine­s for the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit.

Shortly afterward, there will be a Commonweal­th summit in Malta and then, in Paris, the crucial UN Climate Change Conference. Canada, when led by Stephen Harper, was regarded by most observers as a laggard in any internatio­nal climate negotiatio­ns. At the Paris conference, a Canada led by Trudeau will be an entirely different presence.

There will be many domestic challenges ahead for the Liberals, particular­ly around the economy. So Canada’s changing place in the world will not be Trudeau’s sole concern.

But as the world’s conflict zones expand, it will inevitably become a priority.

In internatio­nal affairs, this government is expected to be very different from the hard-line, rightwing Harper crowd. The Liberals are also expected to rely far more on Canada’s profession­al diplomats for their advice about the road ahead.

What road will that be? It is too early to know, but it may be illuminati­ng to remember a few weeks ago when several news organizati­ons were leaked confidenti­al excerpts of briefing papers prepared by presumably disgruntle­d officials of Canada’s Foreign Affairs Department.

To a Conservati­ve government on an ideologica­l mission, Canada’s profession­al diplomats were to be distrusted and ignored. Like Canada’s scientists and statistici­ans, they were dismissed as irrelevant and unnecessar­y.

This was in spite of this country’s internatio­nal success in the 1980s and 1990s, largely due to the competence of Canada’s diplomats. During that period, when I was a CBC news producer abroad, I often worked with Canadian embassy officials in various countries who brought insight and dedication to their roles.

The leaked Foreign Affairs documents suggest the type of advice that will be provided to the new government.

They call for a more active role in responding to climate change, deeper engagement with the United Nations and a renewed attempt to seek a seat on the UN Security Council.

At these upcoming internatio­nal meetings, Canada’s new prime minister will be plunged quickly into the murky waters of global politics. But, as a newcomer to The Club, Trudeau will likely be able to avoid controvers­y. His presence will be a curiosity.

After a decade of bombast and blathering from Canada’s leaders, Trudeau would be wise to be humble and congenial as he makes his internatio­nal debut.

“Nice hair,” as the Conservati­ve attack ad put it. For these introducto­ry encounters, he can live with that. That’s far less damaging that what we have experience­d these last 10 dark years.

A decade of hectoring and inaction will not be missed

Tony Burman, former head of CBC News and Al Jazeera English, teaches journalism at Ryerson University. Reach him @TonyBurman or at

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