Toronto Star

‘Y’all, Norwegians use the word texas for crazy’

Norway traces use of word to popular Wild West fiction, to U.S.’s indignant surprise


In Norway, when a party goes wild, when a soccer match gets heated, when a rare swordfish spears out of a fiord with a loud noise and a massive splash, there is only one appropriat­e response: “Det var helt texas!” In English, “That is totally texas!” Yes, it is a reference to America’s second-most populous state, and no, it’s not really a compliment. Possibly unbeknowns­t in the Lone Star state, Norwegians have been using the term “texas” (always lowercase, of- ten accompanie­d by an exclamatio­n point) to mean “exciting,” “crazy” or “out of control” for roughly half a century.

Americans — perhaps because we were too busy being “Texas” to notice — only found out a few days ago, when a reporter for Texas Monthly stumbled across a conversati­on about the term on Tumblr.

“Y’all,” the headline informed readers, partly amused, partly indignant, “Norwegians use the word ‘Texas’ as slang to mean ‘crazy.’ The things you learn on the Internet.”

The etymology of the phrase is fairly straightfo­rward, if something of a stereotype.

“This historical­ly goes back to Norwegians watching cowboy movies and reading literature about the Wild West, you know?” Anne Ekern, a senior adviser at the Norwegian consulate in Houston, told NPR. “And the Wild West held, I think with most Norwegians, held a strong Texas associatio­n. So when we use the expression ‘texas,’ most of us think about a lot of action, a lot of fun and a lot of things going on.”

The first recorded use of “texas” to mean “crazy” came in the 1957 novel The Boy who Wanted to Buy Norwegian Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n, according to the BBC. The author, a writer, professor and poet with the very alliterati­ve name Vegard Vigerust, wrote, “would make it even more texas in the village?”

These days, the term is widely used, Daniel Gusfre Ims of Norway’s Language Council told the BBC. The phrase “helt texas” (completely crazy) has been used in newspapers at least 50 times this year.

Metonymy, or the substituti­on of an associated word or phrase for a thing or concept itself (for example, calling a businessma­n a “suit”) is common in Norway, Gusfre Ims said. Norwegians use the term “Hawaii football” for an “out-of-control” match, and “Klondike,” the site of the Canadian gold rush, to describe wild economic expansion.

But he was eager to assure readers that the term is in no way a denigratio­n of Texans themselves.

“What Norwegians think about Texas has nothing to do with the expression. We know Texas is not a lawless society,” he said.

Across the Atlantic, the reaction was, well, varying degrees of ‘texas.’ Some took immediate offence to the term, posting comments on the Texas Monthly article that are not printable in a family newspaper.

Others were proud of the designatio­n.

“I think that most Texans, especially with a sense of humour, kind of take that as a mark of pride,” Dan Solomon, the enterprisi­ng Texas Monthly reporter who broke the story, told NPR.

Meanwhile, Norwegians are likely to keep shaking their heads and calling things “texas.” At least, until they find out about Florida.

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