Toronto Star

The challenge ahead for Trudeau

- Richard Gwyn

Beyond any argument, Justin Trudeau’s sweeping election victory was the product of a brilliantl­y organized campaign and of his own exceptiona­l charisma and charm.

To the magnitude of his triumph there is just one serious limit. This is that it’s all happened before, but the other way around.

The preview to Justin Trudeau’s recent achievemen­t involved his father, Pierre, who, in his first election in 1968, stirred up “Trudeauman­ia” and as a result swept the country as thoroughly as did his son a week ago.

For Trudeau the First, though, it all came unstuck in the next election, of 1972. Only Quebecers’ instinctua­l, almost automatic, support for one of their own kept him in office, and this by a mere two elected MPs.

Success, this is to say, is impermanen­t in Canadian politics, not least so because few voters any longer feel strong loyalties to any party, fewer here, quite possibly, than do any others in the world.

In coping with this challenge, Justin Trudeau is in some respects better positioned than was his father. In other respects, his hold on office is the more fragile.

The commonest shortcomin­g attributed to today’s Trudeau is that, unlike his father, he’s no great brain. True, but misleading. Jean Chrétien, no deeper a thinker than Trudeau, kept Canadians cheering him on through two electoral triumphs by likability and canniness.

Trudeau’s principal defect instead derives from his slogan “real change.” It’s great for an election. To actually bring it off requires a lot of labour and a lot of luck.

Still more challengin­g, “real change” requires a lot of money, as in the generous and ambitious promises made to Aboriginal­s. The truth, though, is that our economic growth is slow with little significan­t improvemen­t in government revenues in sight.

The risk for Trudeau thus is that before long he will be barraged by accusation­s of having broken his promises.

Here, an Ottawa lobby company has made some shrewd observatio­ns. While Canadians wanted Prime Minister Stephen Harper out, writes Ensight principal Jason Lietaer, “the Conservati­ve party itself was not seen as a spent force.” Rather, voters supported its key policy of “balanced budgets.”

That’s the bad news for Trudeau. At least according to Ensight, the offsetting good news for him is that voters “appreciate­d the tone he brought to the con- versation on Canada’s future,” and, as is Trudeau’s great gift, his understand­ing of “their perception of what they feel traditiona­lly personifie­s the Canadian way.”

Trudeau thus has made a powerful connection to Canadians’ sense of themselves while at the same time the Conservati­ves spoke successful­ly to Canadians’ sense of the practical and sensible.

For Trudeau the Father in his first election almost a half-century ago, it was all a good deal easier. His opposition to Quebec separation had most of the country automatica­lly on his side. By his cleverness and charisma he offered Canadians what they then most wanted — a leader of their own as smart and as cool as John F. Kennedy.

Today, it’s all more complicate­d. But it is also more interestin­g, or will be if the Conservati­ves can also find themselves a leader who knows, as does Trudeau Junior so abundantly, how to talk to people and how to listen to them.

The way things are going it may not be long before sizable numbers of Canadians may start to feel loyalty to their chosen parties.

The commonest shortcomin­g attributed to today’s Trudeau is that, unlike his father, he’s no great brain. True, but misleading.

Richard Gwyn’s column usually appears every other Tuesday.

 ??  ?? Prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau’s “real change” will take a lot of money, Richard Gwyn writes.
Prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau’s “real change” will take a lot of money, Richard Gwyn writes.
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