Toronto Star

Secrecy criticized after baby’s fatal circumcisi­on

Parents’ appeal the only reason complaint details made public


One Toronto pediatrici­an was cautioned in writing and another told to get informed consent from parents after 22day-old Ryan Heydari bled to death following a circumcisi­on in 2013.

Details about the complaints against the two physicians made to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, including their identities, would have been kept secret had Ryan’s parents not sought a review by an appeals panel. That is a level of secrecy that critics say must change, even as the college pledges to improve transparen­cy.

Earlier this month, the Health Profession­s Appeal and Review Board (HPARB) upheld the decision made by the college’s inquiries, complaints and reports committee to “advise” Dr. Sheldon Wise, who performed the operation on Ryan following a referral by a family doctor, to docu- ment his consent procedure — including discussion of potential risks and complicati­ons around circumcisi­on. Death following circumcisi­on is rare, a threemembe­r panel of the board noted.

The panel also found reasonable the committee’s order that Dr. Jordan Carr, the North York General hospital pediatrici­an who saw Ryan after he started bleeding, should be cautioned in writing for “his failure to recognize the seriousnes­s of the patient’s condition and to treat compensate­d shock.” Carr was also ordered to write a 2- to 4-page report on the possible complicati­ons of circumcisi­on and on how to recognize and treat compensate­d shock.

The doctors’ lawyer, Andrew Parley, did not return requests for comment Monday. Carr and Wise could not be immediatel­y reached by the Star.

Ryan, born on Jan. 3, 2013, was circumcise­d by Wise on Jan. 17, according to the HPARB decision.

He bled at the office and suffered further bleeding after going home. Wise advised them to take Ryan to North York General and told Carr to expect them, the ruling says.

“The baby’s condition became worse with decreased responsive­ness, heart rate and oxygen saturation,” says the ruling. He was transferre­d in critical condition, to the Hospital for Sick Children, where he died on Jan. 25.

Wise told the complaints committee he routinely performs circumcisi­ons. The committee expressed no concerns about his technique or equipment, according to the decision. But it did feel that he should be obtaining and documentin­g informed consent beforehand.

The committee found Carr assessed Ryan in a timely manner, but “overall, the committee was concerned by the lack of urgency and aggressive­ness in (Carr’s) approach in this case, and his failure to recognize pending hypovolemi­c shock.”

None of this informatio­n can be found on profiles for Wise and Carr in the College of Physicians and Surgeons’ online registry, as the complaints against the doctors were made before the college changed its policies as to what informatio­n it releases to the public.

“I think most people would agree that where there was a death of a 22-day-old baby, there should be public disclosure where there was criticism found with relation to care,” said medical malpractic­e lawyer Paul Harte, who is pushing for the college to release informatio­n about all complaints against doctors.

Ryan’s parents, John Heydari and Homa Ahmadi, were seeking transparen­cy when they appealed to HPARB, their lawyer, Brian Moher, told the Star.

“We had Ryan circumcise­d for health reasons, based on the advice of our family doctor. We were initially very much against having Ryan circumcise­d, as we felt that Mother Nature had created us the way she had intended us to be,” they said in a statement read by Moher.

“Our family doctor convinced us, though, of the health benefits of this procedure, but we had no idea that the loss of Ryan’s life was one of the risks. The loss of Ryan, our only child, has made us realize that we cannot possess anything, even our hopes and dreams. We hope that this never happens to any baby, but losing your child is the only way to find out what effect this can have on your life.”

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