Toronto Star

A more transparen­t Senate on the way?

If approved, arm’s-length body will oversee expenses


OTTAWA— Senators will soon be asked to give their blessing to a plan to have an arm’s-length body oversee their spending practices, the Speaker of the Senate says.

Leo Housakos said a proposal to create the independen­t oversight body will be put before Conservati­ve, Liberal and Independen­t senators when Parliament returns.

As part of that proposal, the Senate plans to hire a chief financial officer who would be required to give guidance to the powerful internal economy committee as one part of the job.

If senators agree to the plan, it would go along with a recommenda­tion from the auditor general that ensures senators no longer have the final say about whether an expense claim falls inside or outside Senate rules.

Housakos wouldn’t say who would be on the oversight body, how it would work or how it would report to the Senate.

“You’re going to see there will be more oversight, there will be more transparen­cy, there will be more accountabi­lity than ever before,” Housakos said in the Senate foyer Friday.

“My objective and that of the vast majority of my colleagues is to make this place the most accountabl­e legislatur­e in Canada.”

Auditor general Michael Ferguson’s June audit of Senate spending said an independen­t oversight body — coupled with regular, outside audits — would promote “diligence and discipline” in the Senate and prevent problems from snowballin­g into those that engulfed Pamela Wallin, Mike Duffy, Mac Harb and Patrick Brazeau.

That report also saw the Senate send the spending files of seven past and two sitting senators to the RCMP for criminal review. They, along with 21 others named in the report, were ordered to repay the Senate a total of $992,663.

The most recent figures posted show the Senate has recouped $140,656 of the flagged spending. There remains $852,006 outstand- ing from 21senators,14 of whom have opted to challenge the findings as part of an arbitratio­n process chaired by former Supreme Court justice Ian Binnie.

Four senators whose files were sent to the RCMP for review recently told the Senate they were opting out of the arbitratio­n process. Former Liberal senators Sharon Carstairs, Bill Rompkey, Rose-Marie Losier-Cool and former Conservati­ve Gerry St. Germain can still opt back in to the process.

Those retired senators who don’t pay their bill could end up in court.

Housakos also said he has yet to speak with prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau about the future of the Senate, including whether he would remain Speaker, who would be government leader in the Senate to usher through government legislatio­n and when any of the 22 vacant seats in the upper chamber will be filled.

Housakos said the Senate is working fine with the 83 sitting senators and there are no hurdles in the upper chamber to making sure legislatio­n is reviewed and passed.

“We’re working . . . to continue to be transparen­t and accountabl­e and move the place forward,” Housakos said. “The prime minister in due time will give his vision and guidance of how he sees this institutio­n working.”

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Senate Speaker Leo Housakos wouldn’t say who would be on the oversight body, how it would work or how it would report to the upper chamber.
ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Senate Speaker Leo Housakos wouldn’t say who would be on the oversight body, how it would work or how it would report to the upper chamber.

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