Toronto Star



Earlier this year, an Italian neurosurge­on made headlines when he claimed that he would perform the first human head transplant by 2017. Dr. Sergio Canavero has since found a willing participan­t in Valery Spiridonov, a Russian man with an incurable muscle-atrophy disease. But is the procedure medically — or ethically — possible? We asked experts to weigh in:

Victor Yang, neurosurge­on and senior scientist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre:

“We have to tackle at least two types of problems. One is an immunologi­cal problem, where we constantly have organ rejections, and patients need to be on immunosupp­ressant drugs to make sure they don’t reject the organ. . . . The second difficulty I think is even harder. The brain stem and spinal cord are very high-density fibre tracts, where a lot of connection­s are made. Making the correct connection­s from one axon to another axon — from the brain to the spinal cord — is very difficult. Imagine a massive, massive switchboar­d . . . people can say we can suture a spinal cord together, but that just shows you a picture of something connected — it doesn’t mean they are truly connected.”

Kenichi Okamoto, investigat­or at Mount Sinai Hospital’s Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute:

“Yes, a human head transplant is possible, maybe even within this decade, but whether it is deemed successful may depend on your viewpoint. The late U.S. neurosurge­on, Dr. (Robert) White, performed a head transplant using a monkey, but it survived for only nine days. The biggest problem presents when reconnecti­ng the nervous system, which controls movement of the body. When the monkey recovered, it could move its facial muscles and eyes, but the body was left immobile; and the state of its cognitive and psychologi­cal function remained questionab­le. Nonetheles­s, scientists are gradually finding alternate ways to re-establish spinal cord-body communicat­ion, including developmen­t of an artificial spinal cord and altering nerve regenerati­on by stem cells and inorganic polymers.”

Molly Shoichet, professor in regenerati­ve medicine at U of T and senior adviser on science and engineerin­g engagement:

“Since the brain is the control centre for our bodies, even fixing a small part of it when the wiring goes awry is extraordin­arily complicate­d . . . In the Shoichet lab at the University of Toronto, we are particular­ly excited about some of the advances that we have made in models of stroke. We have been pursuing two approaches: we have been able to transplant brain stem cells and show functional repair in a model of stroke; and we have been able to deliver therapeuti­c proteins directly to the brain to stimulate the resident stem cells to promote tissue repair in a model of stroke. These studies demonstrat­e the potential of regenerati­ve medi- cine to overcome diseases in the brain — yet also represent just the first step of many to bring these therapeuti­c strategies to patients.”

Kerry Bowman, U of T’s Joint Centre for Bioethics:

“Probably the biggest ethical question that comes forward immediatel­y is that it raises very deep questions about human identity and the sense of self . . . How much of the new body can be integrated with the sense of self? It’s actually a very deep and unknown question ... The whole mind/body dichotomy we’re so caught in in western culture would really come to the forefront with this kind of situation. And the yuck factor would be huge. Right now in 2015 it’s pretty laughable — I say that with caution, because it could happen at any point.”

Christophe­r Forrest, medical director of The Centre for Craniofaci­al Care and Research at The Hospital for Sick Children:

“In most sophistica­ted academic or even community hospitals, there are fairly rigid rules on what’s acceptable in terms of medical behaviour and surgical adventures. Certainly within North America, to do a transplant, whether it’s a hand or a face or even a uterus, we have to go through a very, very rigorous and rigid process of ethics board approval . . . Having said that, I’m sure there are hospitals in the world that don’t have that same level of rigour and may be looking for an opportunit­y to be in the news and be the first place that’s done it.”

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