Toronto Star


China plans to rate every one of its 1.3 billion citizens in a giant database,


“The Chinese government already has a back door into everything on your phone and on the Internet, so this isn’t exactly a new way to control people’s lives.” HU JIA POLITICAL ACTIVIST

BEIJING — Internet users in the U.S. voiced outrage this fall over the imminent launch of a Yelp-style app intended to let anyone post public reviews of their friends, acquaintan­ces and yes, enemies — with no opt-out option.

The outbursts prompted the creators of the app, Peeple, to reconsider. But in China, government authoritie­s are hard at work devising their own e-database to rate each and every one of the nation’s 1.3 billion citizens by 2020 using metrics including whether they pay their bills on time, plagiarize school work, break traffic laws or adhere to birth control regulation­s. And there’s no opt-out option.

Proponents of the so-called Social Credit System say it will help China overcome a multitude of societal ills for which it has gained internatio­nal ignominy — from food and drug safety scandals to flagrant corruption, counterfei­ting, tax evasion, academic cheating and even public defecation.

The goals for the project are nothing if not lofty: “carrying forward sincerity and traditiona­l virtues,” “encouragin­g trust,” “raising the overall competitiv­eness of the country,” and last but not least, “stimulatin­g . . . the progress of civilizati­on,” according to a lengthy brief published by China’s State Council, or cabinet.

But some fear that marrying credit scores with school, employment, criminal and other records will create the ultimate Orwellian instrument of social control in a one-party state that in recent years has shown less and less tolerance for critical voices.

“The Chinese government already has a back door into everything on your phone and on the Internet, so this isn’t exactly a new way to control people’s lives,” said Hu Jia, a well-known political activist who has been imprisoned and held under house arrest for his activism around issues including the Tiananmen Square massacre, AIDS and environmen­tal protection.

“What’s new is that Chinese authoritie­s can systematic­ally analyze all this data ... and China doesn’t have an Edward Snowden to focus the public’s attention on these privacy issues,” Hu said.

Increased use of big data by central authoritie­s, drawing on informatio­n from banks, mobile phone companies and e-commerce firms such as Alibaba, could in theory improve governance by serving as a check on corrupt officials who have long been able to do as they please.

Between individual­s, sharing scores may help give strangers confidence to do business — or even go on a date. And in some ways, Chinese authoritie­s’ desire to incentiviz­e moral or healthy behaviours through data mining may be no different, some observers note, than U.S. insurance companies giving discounts to customers who upload digital proof from their Fitbits that they exercise regularly.

“A lot of data capture is there to overcome horrible problems of bad government — ranging from pollution and food security to corruption in education and badly delivered health care,” said Rogier Creemers, a scholar of China and technology at the University of Oxford. While acknowledg­ing that there could be rampant opportunit­ies for the state to abuse such data, he added, “the idea that the Communist Party wants to legitimize its rule by pleasing the people is (also) basic politics.”

Hu, however, says the increasing ability of authoritie­s to tap technology to know more and more details about citizens is increasing­ly giving life in China a Truman Show- like quality.

“My friends and I joke that we are no longer in a police state,” Hu said, “but a police empire.”

Secret files already exist Although many details remain unclear, the Social Credit System will essentiall­y be a 21st-century update of China’s longstandi­ng secret personnel file system.

For decades, the government kept these files, called dang’an, on hundreds of millions of urban residents, logging their performanc­e at school and work, but also at times recording informatio­n that might raise questions about their political leanings, such as whether they had “foreign friends” or read certain books. Cadres could consult these files when hiring new workers and granting benefits, but no one was supposed to see his or her own file, which was typically housed in one’s state-assigned work unit.

With the rise of private enterprise­s and increasing mobility, the file system’s central role in the Communist Party’s web of social control has broken down over the last quarter-century. Many people who have migrated to cities like Beijing say their files remained in their hometowns; some from rural areas say they never had one to begin with.

For urban residents registerin­g for social security benefits, or seeking to have a baby under China’s strict family-planning regulation­s, the dang’an remains a fact of life.

Perhaps that’s why the idea of the state keeping secret files on them — on paper or in a computeriz­ed system — doesn’t provoke overwhelmi­ng concern.

Wang Xiao,19, recently was at a file management office in Beijing’s Dongcheng district; he needed to pay into his Social Security-style insurance fund and have the payment registered into his dang’an.

“I’m not curious to open my file,” he said. “I don’t think there is anything bad in it. . . . I got the highest grade in my class so I’m not worried.”

Chen Chao, a 34-year-old vendor also waiting in line, agreed. “If you didn’t commit a crime, why do you need to look at your file?” he asked, adding that he’s looking forward to an e-system. “An electric file will be more convenient for me. I believe the workers here have profession­al ethics, so they won’t leak my informatio­n.”

 ??  ??
 ?? JASON LEE/REUTERS ?? Chinese citizens, already subjected to extensive government monitoring and rules, may soon be facing even more surveillan­ce.
JASON LEE/REUTERS Chinese citizens, already subjected to extensive government monitoring and rules, may soon be facing even more surveillan­ce.
 ?? ALEXANDER F. YUAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A Chinese paramilita­ry policeman stands underneath a surveillan­ce camera at an entrance to a detention center in Beijing.
ALEXANDER F. YUAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS A Chinese paramilita­ry policeman stands underneath a surveillan­ce camera at an entrance to a detention center in Beijing.

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