Toronto Star

Fight the strain of backpacks


Has student life done a number on your back? If so, let me introduce you to your new best friends — they’re portable and affordable self-massage tools called Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls. These high-grip rubber balls will allow you to troublesho­ot problem areas in real time while restoring circulatio­n, mobility and ease to the body. (Lacrosse balls, tennis balls, soft balls and children’s rubber balls work too.) 1. Place one ball on the right side of your upper back, where your backpack strap might rest. Use your body to sandwich the ball against a wall. 2. Walk the feet away from the baseboards and soften your knees until you come into a slouchy backbend. Relax into this zombie-like stance with arms hanging loosely by your sides and lower jaw released. 3. Use your legs to move your body up and to the right so the ball carves a route down to the space between your spine and right shoulder blade. Then re-bend the knees to return to your starting point. The ball’s trajectory will look roughly like the right half of a smile or a quarter circle. 4. Repeat as many times as you like before heading over to the other side. You’ve got permission to be a little imprecise with the action so the ball can wander to a variety of places on your upper back. Spend some time on any areas that require extra attention. Pack a pair of balls in your book bag and turn your next study break into a budget-friendly spa vacation. Get hooked on “rubber drugs” Self-massage not only diminishes pain and improves mobility, but it also helps your nervous system. This kind of self-care brings about a global relaxation response that effectivel­y shifts you from fight-or-flight mode to rest-and-digest. Jill Miller, the founder of Yoga Tune Up, calls these therapy balls rubber drugs. They’re like a painkiller and a sedative rolled into one — without the negative side effects. YuMee Chung is a recovering lawyer who teaches yoga in Toronto. She is on the faculty of a number of yoga teacher training programs and leads internatio­nal yoga retreats. Learn more about her at

 ?? COLE BURSTON/TORONTO STAR ?? YuMee Chung demonstrat­es the Back to the Wall pose. This manoeuvre will help restore circulatio­n and mobility to the body.
COLE BURSTON/TORONTO STAR YuMee Chung demonstrat­es the Back to the Wall pose. This manoeuvre will help restore circulatio­n and mobility to the body.

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