Toronto Star

IOC’s gender stance ‘insensitiv­e’ to athletes

Indian sprinter back in limbo, fighting IOC’s push to return hyperandro­genism rules


Dutee Chand wants to run with the body she was born with. The young sprinter from India fought for that right all the way to the internatio­nal Court of Arbitratio­n for Sport.

She thought she had won last July when the court suspended the athletics governing body’s gender test and declared her eligible to compete. Now, she’s not so sure. The Internatio­nal Olympic Committee has released recommenda­tions that, once again, raise questions about whether Chand and women like her, whose bodies naturally produce high levels of testostero­ne, will be allowed to compete at the Rio Olympics this summer.

Chand’s team of advocates, which includes Canadian and American experts, are now taking on the IOC and what they see as an “insensitiv­e and harmful attack on women with hyperandro­genism.”

“We call on the IOC to commit to publicly respect the (court’s) decision and declare that it will not introduce hyperandro­genism regulation­s for the upcoming Rio Olympic Games,” states the letter sent to IOC president Thomas Bach on Monday.

It was signed by Bruce Kidd, a Toronto sport policy advisor, Katrina Karkazis, a Stanford University bioethicis­t and Payoshni Mitra, the university researcher who first approached Chand about fighting her case, and the rule itself, in court.

A woman who injects testostero­ne, or a man for that matter, will generally get an athletic benefit from it. That’s why it’s a banned performanc­e-enhancing drug.

But, as Chand’s pro-bono lawyer, James Bunting, a sports law expert at Toronto’s Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg, was able to show, the science is far less clear in the case of hyperandro­genism.

The court stated that it was not satisfied that the degree of advantage is any greater than other variables that determine sporting excellence, ranging from good genes to proper nutrition, coaching and training.

The court determined that the policy of the internatio­nal governing body for athletics, the IAAF, which set a line in the sand for testostero­ne — above 10 nanomoles per litre and women were considered male and barred from competitio­n until they had surgery or hormone therapy to reduce their levels — was discrimina­tory and lacked scientific evidence.

It gave them two years to provide scientific proof for the rule and set it aside for the time being.

The IOC’s hyperandro­genism recommenda­tions, released publicly in late January as part of an update to its guidelines for transgende­red athletes, didn’t address the scientific or ethical arguments. But it urged the IAAF and other sport organizati­ons to return to the court “with arguments and evidence to support the reinstatem­ent of its hyperandro­genism rules.”

Could that happen before Rio? And, if not, will the IOC decide to implement rules of its own ahead of the 2016 Games? No one knows and that leaves Chand back in limbo. “Last summer when the sports court declared me eligible to compete and suspended the IAAF regulation­s, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I could finally go back to focusing on my training with Olympic qualificat­ion in mind,” the 20-year-old said in a statement. “But now the stress and anxiety has returned.” The IOC and IAAF could not be reached in time for deadline.

For Chand, this saga began in 2014 when she was suddenly pulled from the team heading to the Glasgow Commonweal­th Games after being singled out for gender testing in India because her body appeared “masculine.”

The IOC’s statement “raises the possibilit­y of the exact same thing happening again,” Karkazis said.

Chand’s supporters believe that the attempts of sport bodies to determine who is a man and who is a woman based on something as narrow as testostero­ne levels, with tests triggered by how “masculine” women look, is little better than the naked parades some athletes were forced to endure in the 1960s.

“An investigat­ion can be triggered because of how someone looks,” Karkazis said. “This affects all women.”

 ?? ?? Sprinter Dutee Chand was pulled from India’s Commonweal­th Games team in 2014.
Sprinter Dutee Chand was pulled from India’s Commonweal­th Games team in 2014.

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