Toronto Star

Vivid hallucinat­ions plague 1 in 5 Canadians with vision loss: study

Little known medical condition often feared to be mental illness


When doctors talk about vision loss, the focus is often on what patients don’t see. A new study, however, shows that one in five Canadians with vision loss are seeing some spectacula­rly bizarre things — little men holding umbrellas at the end of their bed, strange women in long dresses dusting their homes, colourful rain drops falling in sheets before their eyes.

These types of vivid hallucinat­ions are not a sign of dementia, as many patients and doctors believe, but a marker for a little known, centuries-old medical condition called Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS), said Dr. Keith Gordon, vice-president of research at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) and author of the study published in the current issue of Canadian Journal of Ophthalmol­ogy.

“People are afraid to tell their family, friends and even doctors that they’re experienci­ng hallucinat­ions for fear of it being misunderst­ood as mental illness,” Gordon said.

“With these findings, we are now able to shed more light on CBS and help raise awareness within the medical community and the general public about how prevalent it actually is.”

Gordon’s work is the first major study of CBS due to vision loss across of the three most common eye diseases — age-related macular generation, diabetic retinopath­y and glaucoma.

Findings are based on informatio­n provided by 2,565 study respondent­s over 40 years of age.

While it is not yet known exactly what causes CBS, research suggests it is related to an attempt by the brain to fill in informatio­n that would normally be obtained from the eyes.

“My ultimate goal is to raise awareness so society doesn’t rule people out or, God forbid, put them in nursing homes because they think they’re crazy,” Gordon said.

Josée Rivest is a neuropsych­ologist who works with seniors at Baycrest hospital in Toronto. She’s seen firsthand how a lack of knowledge about CBS can lead patients and families down a frustratin­g road.

“By the time they come to me, they’ve been shuffled around in the system,” Rivest said, noting some patients received psychiatri­c medication­s to deal with the visions, a potentiall­y useless and risky treatment.

Rivest said it’s critical that specialist­s and general practition­ers alike “systemical­ly ask” patients who are starting to lose vision whether they see things that other people don’t.

CBS hallucinat­ions tend to begin soon after a person’s vision deteriorat­es. It can affect people of any age.

There are two main types of hallucinat­ions: simple repeated patterns and complex images of people, objects or landscapes. It’s common for visions to occur once or twice daily. The images may last a few seconds or minutes. Symptoms generally decrease in frequency after a year to 18 months. In some cases, they can linger five years or longer.

CBS patients are aware that what they’re seeing is not real, and the syndrome affects only vision.

While the upside of a CBS diagnosis is confirmati­on of sanity, the downside is there is no treatment.

Jack Hunter, a retired private investigat­or, has been living with his visions for the past six years.

Blind in one eye and suffering from macular degenerati­on in the other, he was watching the news recently when a rope ladder appeared to be coming up the side of the broadcaste­r’s nose.

His first vision was of a woman in profile with grey hair and Victorians­tyle dress mopping the floor of his Etobicoke apartment.

He’s seen brightly coloured bushes pop up in the centre console of a friend’s car. He’s seen the fine print of broadsheet newspapers where the words appear written in a foreign text.

It’s been years since he could read an actual newspaper. In most cases, the harder he tries to peer at the wondrous images, the quicker they disappear.

“I was a wee bit concerned at first,” said Hunter, 78, a former police officer from Scotland.

Learning more about the syndrome from Gordon and meeting others through the CNIB who are experienci­ng similar visions put him at ease.

 ?? CHARLES BONNET FOUNDATION AUSTRALIA ?? “My walls are covered in these purple flowers,” said one patient who suffers from glaucoma.
CHARLES BONNET FOUNDATION AUSTRALIA “My walls are covered in these purple flowers,” said one patient who suffers from glaucoma.
 ?? CNIB ?? “Everywhere I look I see brickwork. When I look at my cat, its face is embedded in the bricks,” one patient said.
CNIB “Everywhere I look I see brickwork. When I look at my cat, its face is embedded in the bricks,” one patient said.

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