Toronto Star

In the works:

Mayor vows fixes to system held together by ‘chewing gum and chicken wire’ by fall


Making enrolment accessible on digital platforms among changes slated,

When Hani Afrah tries to get her daughters into swim lessons, she lines up outside Regent Park Aquatic Centre as early as 2 a.m. After she has waited five hours for seasonal registrati­on to start, she says, city staff often say too bad, those programs are full.

“Other people are actually coming to our swimming pool and using it in front of us because they are privileged, they have a faster computer . . . we don’t have that luxury,” Afrah said after Mayor John Tory announced the city will replace the frustratin­g, outdated online, phone and in-person registrati­on system with something better.

“I love swimming, our religion teaches kids exercise is good for them. They look forward to it . . . Imagine (how it is for) people who don’t know how to speak English, don’t know how to use a computer — it’s very frustratin­g.”

Afrah made her case to Tory after his announceme­nt at the gleaming centre. He replied her concerns will be part of the review that will produce registrati­on improvemen­ts by fall and a completely new system by the end of 2017.

Speaking about the city system, which processes 600,000 registrati­ons a year for 80,000 programs and classes, the mayor said that he gets a bigger earful only about transit issues.

“I’ve heard over and over again how incredibly frustratin­g it is, how people literally arrange their entire schedule for days to be sitting by a computer, sometimes having multiple people in the same house on different computers or going elsewhere to use computers, to keep hitting refresh,” Tory said.

The almost-20-year old system got periodic improvemen­ts with “chewing gum and chicken wire,” he joked, but now: “We’re getting a new system, and it’s high time.”

Users faced with a full program should automatica­lly be offered logical alternativ­es, Tory said. Wait lists for full lessons and camps will be generated automatica­lly so city staff don’t have to phone thousands of registrant­s.

The city has appointed a director to lead the project plus outside experts — Paula Kwan, head of global expansion at Pivotal Labs, Alex Norman, general manager of TechTo, and Jeremy Bell, design chief at Precision Nutrition — to advise the city on short- and long-term improvemen­ts. The new system must work with mobile devices, across other technology platforms and work directly with the city’s online “Fun Guide” pro- gram directory, Tory said.

Some cities are using a next generation of Toronto’s software, he added, but he will await expert advice and listen to public feedback that comes through the­y website.

Councillor Pam McConnell, whose ward includes Regent Park, said Afrah’s complaint is well-founded.

Registrati­on should be moved from early weekday mornings to Saturday afternoons or another time that is convenient for families, said McConnell. Tory’s lead on poverty-reduction issues including low-income “priority centres,” she said, and other steps can make the system fairer.

“If people don’t have access to computers or fast connection­s, they end up at the back of the line or not in line at all,” she said.

“We should be looking at more accessible options to make sure the people the priority centres were built for are at the front of the line.”

 ?? DAVID RIDER/TORONTO STAR ?? Despite lining up outside Regent Park Aquatic Centre as early as 2 a.m., Hani Afrah says there’s often no room left for her kids in programs she’s picked.
DAVID RIDER/TORONTO STAR Despite lining up outside Regent Park Aquatic Centre as early as 2 a.m., Hani Afrah says there’s often no room left for her kids in programs she’s picked.

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