Toronto Star

Fracking cause of human-made quakes in West, study finds


EDMONTON— New research suggests that hydraulic fracking of oil and gas wells is behind earthquake­s caused by humans in Western Canada.

A study, published Tuesday by a group of top Canadian researcher­s, says problems in Alberta and British Columbia aren’t being caused by injecting waste water undergroun­d. It’s a major step in understand­ing seismic events that have already led to changed regulation­s in Alberta and caused public concern.

“It’s critical that we get to a complete scientific understand­ing of the issue,” said David Eaton, a University of Calgary geophysici­st and a co-author of the study.

Fracking involves pumping highpressu­re fluids undergroun­d to create tiny cracks in rock to release natural gas or oil. Scientists had previously concluded that oilpatch activity can cause earthquake­s, but they didn’t know whether the quakes were caused by fracking or the undergroun­d disposal of waste water.

Scientists are aware of the pressure they face to get the issue right.

“There’s a mixture of science and the whole social-political aspect of this,” Eaton said.

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