Toronto Star


Inadequate policing, security combined with inability to integrate Muslims blamed


Gaps in security, tensions over integratio­n of newcomers expose targets, analysts say,

France is in the line of fire. Of the 16 terrorist incidents that took place in Western nations this year, five were in France, including the deadliest one — Thursday’s apparent lone wolf attack in Nice, which killed at least 84 people.

Alittle more than a week before the attack, a commission set up by the French parliament gave its version of the reasons for France’s endangered state in a massive report. Apart from an objective threat the country faces thanks to its colonial past and a failure to integrate North African immigrants, it also suffers from inadequate policing. “All the French citizens who struck within the nation’s territory in 2015 were known, in one capacity or another, to judicial, penal or intelligen­ce services,” the report says. “They have all been on file, watched, listened to or incarcerat­ed along their path of delinquenc­y toward violent radicaliza­tion.”

As in the case of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, the French security services watched several of the terrorists who later committed the worst attacks of 2015 — such as the Kouachi brothers, who massacred the staff of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. They failed to put any surveillan­ce on Amedy Coulibaly, who took hostages in Paris directly after that attack. Samy Amimour, who last November fired into a crowd of concertgoe­rs in Paris, had travelled to Syria, had been questioned and placed under administra­tive surveillan­ce; but nothing was done after he missed several weekly checks in a row, and a lack of coordinati­on between police and intelligen­ce services made sure he wasn’t tracked. Another shooter from the Bataclan theatre, Omar Mostefai, had been identified to the French authoritie­s by Turkish intelligen­ce as a dangerous radical. He wasn’t watched either.

The list goes on. It’s not that the French security agencies lacked the resources to watch the suspected terrorists: According to the report, in 2015 the French security services had a quota for 2,700 people whose communicat­ions could be intercepte­d, but actual monitoring never even approached that number.

French law enforcemen­t agencies have prevented nine terror attacks since the beginning of 2015, mostly by watching known suspects with Islamic State sympathies, but they have missed too many others. The French law enforcemen­t bureaucrac­y is in a permanent state of reform, but the services still often work in their own silos.

For example, there is a co-operation gap between the gendarmeri­e, which polices rural France, and domestic intelligen­ce. Many of the future terrorists are radicalize­d in the French prisons, but only a “prison intelligen­ce” force of 114 people is supposed to monitor such develop- ments in a prison population of 68,000 and among 235,000 parolees.

Reportedly, 60 per cent of French prisoners are Muslims, compared with 8 per cent of France’s total population. France has a well-known problem with integratin­g its Muslim community: It is afflicted with high unemployme­nt and concentrat­ed in ghettos on the edge of big cities, breeding grounds for all kinds of crime, from petty drug dealing to terrorism. Youths with a criminal record are excellent material for radicaliza­tion: It gives them a cause for which to fight. And yet the French government barely has a system for tracking this risk group’s embrace of radical Islam.

That’s how French law enforcemen­t missed the 31-year-old Tunisian-born resident of Nice who drove a rented heavy truck into a crowd of revelers on Nice’s Promenade des Anglais on Thursday. Like other French terrorists before him, he was known to the police for various petty acts of violence, yet he was never investigat­ed for terrorist leanings or connection­s.

The parliament­ary commission made 40 proposals aimed at boosting France’s capacity to fight terrorism. They range from simple measures like more target practice for cops — something that might have prevented the Nice truck driver from plowing through the crowds for as long as he did — to the establishm­ent of a stronger prison intelligen­ce service and better coordinati­on of antiterror­ist activities.

That won’t remove the problems at the root of all the French attacks — the hostility between the Muslim community and much of the rest of France and the globalizat­ion of terror, which makes France a convenient target because of the linguistic and cultural heritage it left in its former colonies. “We must no longer think in terms of French or Frenchresi­dent people, but in terms of francophon­es,” Patrick Calvar, head of France’s domestic intelligen­ce, told the commission. “Thousands of Tunisians, thousands of Moroccans and Algerians can be dispatched into our territory.”

These problems cannot be easily fixed, though. They are probably impossible to resolve in our lifetime because they were many decades in the making. All France can do in the short term is to improve policing, make it smarter and make sure signals don’t get crossed or extinguish­ed in the bureaucrac­y.

The French government realizes that, and it’s getting reasonable advice, but while the bureaucrat­ic wheels turn, more attackers slip through the net.

 ?? VALERY HACHE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? A makeshift memorial near the site of the deadly attack on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice after at least 84 were killed.
VALERY HACHE/AFP/GETTY IMAGES A makeshift memorial near the site of the deadly attack on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice after at least 84 were killed.
 ?? PATRICK KOVARIK/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? In November 2015, the Bataclan theatre in Paris was attacked by terrorists. In January of that year, satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was attacked by terrorists.
PATRICK KOVARIK/AFP/GETTY IMAGES In November 2015, the Bataclan theatre in Paris was attacked by terrorists. In January of that year, satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was attacked by terrorists.

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