Toronto Star

Flock sticks with atheist minister

Gretta Vosper’s congregati­on stands firm despite church report backing her removal


Jeanne Hamel has been a member of the United Church since its formation in Toronto 91 years ago.

Today, as a longtime member of the West Hill United Church congregati­on in Scarboroug­h, Hamel, 96, knows where her loyalties lie.

Hamel is sticking with Gretta Vosper, the United Church minister who was told by church leaders that she is “not suitable” because she calls herself an atheist and preaches about love without referring to Jesus Christ.

“Wherever Gretta goes, I go,” Hamel said after the Sunday morning service. “My heart left the United Church when I heard they had rejected Gretta. I was stunned.”

About 200 people attended the service at West Hill, at Morningsid­e Rd. and Kingston Rd., on Sunday morning — the first service since the church’s Toronto Conference Review Committee released a 39-page report last Wednesday on the minister’s non-traditiona­l views.

“In our opinion, she is not suitable to continue in ordained ministry because she does not believe in God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit,” the report stated.

“We have concluded that if Gretta Vosper were before us today, seeking to be ordained, we would not recommend her.”

Her congregati­on, however, gave Vosper a standing ovation after she finished the Sunday service with a long-planned talk about acceptance.

“In these weeks going forward, may we find a way to get to that place of acceptance in ourselves,” Vosper said.

“Let that change lead toward truth and beauty and goodness.”

Many churchgoer­s wore navy blue T-shirts that read: “My United Church Includes Me.”

Morlan Rees said he wouldn’t have remained a member of the church for 23 years if it hadn’t been for Vosper. “Her ideas reflect what I’ve been feeling about the scriptures needing to be put into a modern context,” Rees said.

Rees calls himself “agnostic, an atheist, a non-believer,” but said under Vosper the church has grown to preach a love of community and each other.

“Obviously, there are some people who disagree and they have every right to feel that way,” he said, adding that disagreeme­nt shouldn’t mean the church forces people like him to leave.

Lynne MacDonell said she’s a recent member, joining last spring after discoverin­g Vosper’s services spoke to her in a positive way.

“It’s not about coming to hear that I’m a sinner. That is so yuck. This fulfils my need to feel upbeat. The services are more happy and joyful.”

MacDonell wishes the church’s leadership would “come and see what’s going on here. See the good work that all the people are doing. Open up your eyes.”

United Church leader David Allen, executive director of the church’s Toronto conference, told the Star last week, “We’re going to hear from Gretta and her congregati­on and it’s possible that they could say something that could cause us to go in a totally different or a slightly different direction.”

On Sunday, Vosper told the Star that church leaders haven’t listened to the congregati­on so far. “I would be very surprised if (a meeting) made any difference, but this is a community of indelible strength and passion.”

It’s ultimately up to the West Hill congregati­on to decide what to do next — whether to stay with the church or consider the possibilit­y of leaving, she said. “There is no intention to make a quick decision.”

Hamel said she wants to see Vosper through to the next stage — whatever it may be.

“I’m 96 years old and I might drop dead, but I don’t want to do it until I see Gretta get out of this quagmire. I’m so disillusio­ned.”

 ?? RANDY RISLING/TORONTO STAR ?? Atheist minister Gretta Vosper speaks at West Hill United Church on Sunday, her first service since a committee recommende­d she be removed.
RANDY RISLING/TORONTO STAR Atheist minister Gretta Vosper speaks at West Hill United Church on Sunday, her first service since a committee recommende­d she be removed.
 ??  ?? Jeanne Hamel says she will end her 91-year membership in the church if her minister is forced out.
Jeanne Hamel says she will end her 91-year membership in the church if her minister is forced out.

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