Toronto Star

Stop delaying on terror law


Last week, the Trudeau government launched its promised public consultati­on on security issues. The government’s embrace of democratic engagement marks a refreshing break from the remote and secretive approach of the previous administra­tion. But this most recent example looks disturbing­ly like a delay tactic.

The consultati­ons were originally supposed to coincide with proposed revisions to the Tories’ badly flawed anti-terrorism law, formerly C-51. Despite supporting the bill while in opposition, the Liberals vowed to amend the legislatio­n’s most egregiousl­y overreachi­ng (and likely unconstitu­tional) aspects once in office. But 10 months later, not one word of the law has been changed. And now the government says any revisions will be put off until the consultati­on is complete.

That’s bizarre. As the Star has argued before, C-51 clearly and in several ways infringes on Canadians’ civil rights; and there is no evidence it makes us any safer. What relevance could a public consultati­on possibly have to whether Trudeau ought to follow through on his promise to rewrite the legislatio­n to comply with the charter?

That’s not to say the consultati­on on broader issues of security is unwelcome. Surely it is to the good that Canada’s security establishm­ent be made less opaque to Canadians and that the will of voters be better reflected in policy. But it should not be used as yet another tactic to delay the morally necessary but politicall­y difficult decisions ahead.

Every day the law remains unchanged holds the potential that the rights of Canadians will be violated. Among the amendments the Liberals promised during the last election campaign were tweaks to three provisions that legal scholars say violate the Constituti­on.

Specifical­ly, the Liberals vowed that “all Canadian Security Intelligen­ce Service warrants would respect the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” Under the current legislatio­n, CSIS is permitted to violate rights when disrupting suspected terrorist activities, as long as a judge has provided a warrant to do so.

They also promised to protect free speech and the rights of protesters by amending overly vague language in the law that criminaliz­es “terrorism propaganda” and the “promoting” of terrorism.

And they said they would require CSIS to obtain a warrant before engaging “in the surveillan­ce of Canadians.” As privacy commission­er Daniel Therrien warned last year, C-51 allows the agency to infringe on Canadians’ privacy rights in unpreceden­ted ways, including through the warrantles­s tracking of domestic metadata, which has proved so controvers­ial in the United States. (Notably, no mention of this last campaign promise was made in the government’s announceme­nt last week or in the discussion paper released at the launch of the public consultati­on.)

These provisions seem plainly to breach the Constituti­on. Experts have said that they do and the government has implied it understand­s this. One would think there’s no time like the present to scrap such measures. So why the delay? Must the majority really be consulted before individual and minority rights are upheld?

The cynical explanatio­n is that the government has no appetite to amend the legislatio­n, that it is buying time and building its case to do little or nothing. It may be content to leave the matter to the courts. After all, toppling laws born of fear is always politicall­y difficult and it is much easier to provide new powers to police or security agencies than it is to take them away. The fear of political fallout in the case of a tragic event can be paralyzing.

But while the political reasons for procrastin­ating may be compelling, the moral responsibi­lity to act quickly really ought to prevail. Trudeau demonstrat­ed during the campaign that he understand­s the profound dangers of at least some aspects of the law. Now is the time to address them. He needn’t ask Canadians’ permission to do what his campaign promised and the Constituti­on demands.

Justin Trudeau shouldn’t wait any longer to fix Canada’s flawed anti-terror law

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