Toronto Star

A friend won’t let go of a stalled relationsh­ip

- Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email Follow @ellieadvic­e. Ellie

My close girlfriend has been in a two-year relationsh­ip and is ready to insist her guy move in and get married. But he keeps feeding her excuses as to why he can’t yet move forward.

Mostly, he attacks her character. But he doesn’t want to leave her and she doesn’t want to let him go.

I’ve watched her spiral into a deep sadness. Her self-esteem is incredibly low and her stress levels are through the roof.

It’s difficult to watch my friend suffer, but I feel I can’t advise her to leave him. That’s a decision she needs to make on her own.

Is there anything I should do? Frustrated Friend

Stay with friendship, not judgment.

But if she asks for your thoughts, turn it around and ask for hers, for example, what are the reasons she thinks things will change if they do marry?

If she complains about his “excuses,” ask, what’s positive about their relationsh­ip.

Get her thinking things through more clearly on her own.

People hang onto go-nowhere relationsh­ips because of fear of starting over, or of being alone.

They convince themselves that things will get better, if they live together, marry, have a baby.

Telling her otherwise will only increase her insecurity.

But encouragin­g her to face for herself the reality of his stalling-blaming strategy — a form of control — may help her see that their future together is unlikely to be much different. My son, 28, still lives at home. He finished high school, has a fulltime job and is a good-looking guy. However, he hasn’t found someone special to share his life with, and I’m getting worried about him. Last summer, he signed a contract with a dating site and has paid $3,500 for their services with only one referral since that time (the contract states that 15 referrals would be given to him). The company blames the fact that he’s a smoker for making it difficult to find someone for him.

I find this hard to believe since there are a lot of girls out there who are trying to quit just like him. Could this website be a scam artist corporatio­n? Do you think we could ever get his money back, or some sort of refund? What sites do you recommend? Concerned Mom

I won’t use the name or comment on the site you mentioned, but you can start your query with a call to the Better Business Bureau or any other consumer protection agency in your locale.

I also do not recommend any specific dating sites — partly to avoid their pestering me for promotion.

But more important, the dating site business deals with a very large number of people who are paying for differing dreams — a chance at romance, a lasting relationsh­ip, access to quick flings and hot sex, etc.

I do advise this: Your son has to learn for himself the best way to write his profile, whether to mention trying to stop smoking or be upfront about continuing the habit.

If the contract does promise him something the corporatio­n isn’t delivering, he should request a refund and pursue it through consumer channels.

Then you, his mother, should stop worrying about him and focus instead on encouragin­g him to expand his social contacts on his own.

He can start with the local community centre’s sports or arts events, set up a free account, or join a group to find activities that interest him (some organizers of a particular group may charge a contributi­on, dues or event fees). Tip of the day Encourage a friend to look realistica­lly at why their relationsh­ip is going nowhere.

Stop worrying about your son and focus on encouragin­g him to expand his social contacts on his own

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