Toronto Star

Solving the ward-boundaries dispute


Re Ward boundaries spark fierce debate at city hall, Sept. 27 Insisting on a single representa­tive for each electoral ward or district inevitably leads to a continuing problem of readjustme­nt of boundaries as population­s change.

A simpler solution to fair representa­tion by population is to draw boundaries using either traditiona­l lines, such as the boundaries before amalgamati­on, or to use natural boundaries such as ravines and major highways like the 401(not main streets which unite, not divide, communitie­s). The number of representa­tives in each district can then easily be adjusted to match the population as necessary with no change in boundaries.

This has the added advantage of providing voters with a much more diverse group of representa­tives who can relate to different views and cultures within their district. Helen Riley, Toronto While I sympathize with Mayor John Tory’s desire to keep costs down, it is false economy to do so at the cost of good government.

While voter parity is important, both the Supreme Court of Canada and Elections Canada are on record as recognizin­g that important factors such as geography, community interests and community history are more important. Voter parity must not be implemente­d where it destroys neighbourh­ood identity and interests. That’s what the 44 ward option does to Leaside. It contradict­s the City’s consultant­s’ own guidelines by dividing Leaside into two separate wards, with two councillor­s, ignoring Leaside’s historical, geographic and social connection­s, establishe­d since 1913 and continuing to the present day. It would inflict damaging results on our community, and possibly throughout the city.

The other option, which calls for 47 wards, preserves proper representa­tion by preserving us as a single community within one ward. We support this option.

You quote Councillor James Pasternak, whose ward would also be harmed by the 44 ward option, as saying, “To just erase the ward as if there’s no history and meaning there is terribly misguided.” He is right. The value of the 47 ward option far outweighs its cost. Carol Burtin Fripp, co-president, Leaside Property Owners’ Associatio­n, Ltd.

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