Toronto Star

Campaign curveball

Blow for presidenti­al hopeful as FBI review emails found during its probe into sexting


FBI’s fresh probe into Clinton emails — sparked by Anthony Weiner sexting case — puts new hurdle on front-runner’s road to White House,

WASHINGTON— The presidenti­al election has somehow gotten stranger. And it has gotten substantia­lly worse for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

In a significan­t surprise blow to Clinton, the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion announced Friday that it will now do more investigat­ing of emails related to her private home server — because of Anthony Weiner’s sexting.

The FBI said it learned of new emails as a result of an “unrelated case.” That case, according to the New York Times, is the investigat­ion of the serial sexter who is married to, but separated from, a top Clinton aide, Huma Abedin.

The New York Times reported that the emails were found on electronic devices seized from Weiner and Abedin as part of a probe into Weiner’s alleged sexual messages to a 15-yearold girl.

It is not clear if Clinton did anything wrong. Anonymous law enforcemen­t sources told various U.S. news outlets that the emails in question were not sent by Clinton, nor found on Clinton’s server.

To the frustratio­n of Clinton’s campaign, though, the vague letter from FBI director James Comey to congressio­nal committee chairmen did not provide those specifics, leaving room for Republican candidate Donald Trump and his allies to fill in the blanks.

“This is bigger than Watergate,” Trump said at a rally in New Hampshire.

“Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before,” he said. “We must not let her take her crimi- nal scheme into the Oval Office.”

At an evening news conference in Iowa, Clinton called on the FBI to “explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay.” She said she was “confident” the emails would not change the FBI’s decision not to charge her with an offence.

“Even director Comey noted that this new informatio­n may not be significan­t, so let’s get it out,” she said.

She laughed when asked if the matter could sink her campaign.

“I think people a long time ago made up their minds about the emails,” she said. “I think that’s factored into what people think.”

Regardless, the news is the best in weeks for Trump, who has been staring at the possibilit­y of a blowout defeat. With just 10 days left before election day, Clinton will now face a flurry of stories about the controvers­y that has reinforced voters’ concerns about her judgment and transparen­cy. The apparent connection to Weiner, a favourite character of the tabloids, may give the news even more prominence.

Commentato­rs saw irony in the possibilit­y that the campaign of a woman vying to be the first female president could be derailed by the sexual behaviour of a male acquaintan­ce. Trump had already been castigatin­g Clinton for her response to sexual assault allegation­s against her husband, the former president.

“I’m sorry but these men and their penises imperiling this candidacy is just a little too on the nose for me, can I get a rewrite?” New York Magazine writer Rebecca Traister wrote on Twitter.

Though election day is Nov. 8, early voting is well underway. More than 17 million people — or more than 10 per cent of the expected electorate — have already cast ballots. It is unclear how much another chapter in a longrunnin­g controvers­y might affect voting preference­s at this late stage.

“One consistent aspect of the hyperpolar­ized 2016 election: we’ve constantly overrated the impact of every ‘bombshell’ on the polls,” Cook Political Report editor Dave Wasserman wrote on Twitter.

Comey had appeared to close the case in July, when he rebuked Clinton as “extremely careless” in her handling of classified informatio­n as secretary of state but recommende­d against criminal charges.

He did not say Friday that Clinton had committed wrongdoing. Rather, in a letter to Congress, he said investigat­ors would “review these emails to determine whether they contain classified informatio­n” and “assess their importance to our investigat­ion.

“Although the FBI cannot assess whether or not this material may be significan­t, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony,” Comey concluded. The announceme­nt undercuts Trump’s evidence-free contention that the FBI, like many other government entities, is a corrupt arm of the Clinton campaign. But it is far worse for Clinton and ends her hopes of cruising to victory without another major hurdle.

“The system might not be as rigged as I thought,” Trump said at a rally in New Hampshire.

The timing of Comey’s declaratio­n, and its lack of specificit­y, drew immediate criticism from Clinton allies and some non-partisan analysts. Even Republican Sen. John Cornyn, of Texas, wrote on Twitter, “Why is FBI doing this just 11 days before the election?” Trump had for months hammered Clinton for her decision to set up an insecure private email account in the basement of her New York home, rather than use a standard State Department account, and her subsequent destructio­n of thousands of emails from it. At the second presidenti­al debate, he promised that he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigat­e her “situation,” because “there has never been so many lies, so much deception.”

Comey’s letter had an immediate impact on stock and currency markets as investors reacted to the perceived decline in Clinton’s fortunes.

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 ?? MICHAEL APPLETON/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide, with her husband, Anthony Weiner, who was involved in a sexting scandal with a 15-year-old girl.
MICHAEL APPLETON/THE NEW YORK TIMES Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide, with her husband, Anthony Weiner, who was involved in a sexting scandal with a 15-year-old girl.
 ?? DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? FBI officials said Friday the new emails were discovered after they seized electronic devices belonging to Abedin and Weiner.
DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES FBI officials said Friday the new emails were discovered after they seized electronic devices belonging to Abedin and Weiner.

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