Toronto Star

Public’s goodwill already traded away

- Paul Wells

A reader wrote after my last column on the Belgians and the Canada-EU trade deal. “Hi Paul: Just a note to express disappoint­ment.” Yeah, well, get in line. “Vern in Alberta,” the email’s author, wished I would speculate “just what the Canadian populace would think” if they knew “non-voting multinatio­nal corporatio­ns” are trying to get “the right to sue government­s if they perceive a loss of profit due to government actions.”

Vern concludes: “Please write this up if your leaders permit.” I guess we’re about to find out. I didn’t even ask my leaders. I just started typing. We’re all Thelma and Louise up in here today.

Vern was describing the controvers­y over so-called “Investor-State Dispute Settlement” provisions in CETA, and indeed in a number of modern internatio­nal trade treaties.

These provisions do indeed provide for ways a company from here, if it sets up shop over there, to seek legal redress if the Government of Over There changes its laws in a way that hurts our company’s competitiv­e situation. Sauce for the gander: they give the same rights to companies from over there that want to do business here.

I don’t need to speculate how people would react to all this. Many obviously don’t like it.

Already four years ago, 50 municipali­ties across Canada had passed resolution­s asking to be exempted from CETA. Similar investor-state provisions have provoked widespread backlash against TTIP, the proposed trade deal between the United States and the EU. (It’s not a perfect comparison: TTIP is almost certainly doomed anyway, because the Americans aren’t offering trade benefits to match the gains they seek in Europe.)

But outrage at these investor-state provisions is easy to understand. Foreign multinatio­nal comes to town, sues our elected government because it doesn’t like the rules. What’s to like?

My answer is that the investment is what’s to like. That’s why the latest generation of trade agreements seeks to promote investment and competitio­n in services, not just trade in goods.

Think about it, for a moment, from a company’s perspectiv­e. Not a faceless Darth Vaderesque billionair­e multinatio­nal corporatio­n, but the kind of widget company your cousin might own. Making its first foray into a foreign market. Worried that, if it manages to compete fair and square, widget companies over there will lobby their government­s to change the rules. Your cousin will wish he had recourse. These trade deals are designed to provide it.

But even as I make the argument I know I’m asking people to show goodwill to corporatio­ns, often large ones, and to people in government who seem eager to smooth their path. And who has a surplus of goodwill toward big corporatio­ns and their friends in high places?

I could point out that CETA’s in- vestor-state provisions have been substantia­lly improved since Chrystia Freeland became Canada’s trade minister, to increase transparen­cy and impartiali­ty. I could quote Pascal Lamy, former World Trade Organizati­on head, who told the French magazine L’Express: “When you read CETA’s text and compare it to other bilateral treaties that didn’t cause problems, it’s by far — by very far, really — the most protective of states’ right to regulate.”

I could do all that, but the fact is that big corporatio­ns generate a lot of mistrust these days. And why wouldn’t they, after Wall Street collapsed at the end of 2008 and most of the companies responsibl­e were able to get relief from the Bush and Obama government­s?

CETA isn’t out of the woods. The deal among Belgian institutio­ns that was the fruit of Freeland’s walkout from Brussels provides many opportunit­ies to walk away from the treaty later.

It may simply be that there is an upper limit on the economic in- tegration internatio­nal treaties can provide, and that public suspicion of corporate power helps set that ceiling.

This could mean trouble for Justin Trudeau’s government on another front. Next week Finance Minister Bill Morneau will announce plans to attract private investment in federal infrastruc­ture projects. The goal is to multiply each federal dollar by four or five, using money from, mostly, pension funds.

But Robert-Falcon Ouellette — a Liberal MP from Winnipeg — has been derisive of the scheme, calling it “a massive transfer of public funds toward the private funds in order for them to make money — a subsidy towards business.”

The notion that private and public interests might coincide is in low repute these days. Much of Trudeau’s agenda depends on aligning the two. It is not guaranteed to work. Paul Wells is a national affairs writer. His column appears Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

 ?? YVES HERMAN/REUTERS ?? Demonstrat­ors in Brussels on Thursday protest against the planned EU-Canada free trade agreement.
YVES HERMAN/REUTERS Demonstrat­ors in Brussels on Thursday protest against the planned EU-Canada free trade agreement.
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