Toronto Star

Was she too good to be true, or was she the real deal?


Aaron is a 33-year-old IT consultant who lives in Leaside. He says “My personal style is as casual as possible. I hate wearing socks, so I’m in flip-flops as much as I can be.” Aaron’s friends would describe him as “funny, caring and always ready to help or listen.” Aaron says “I work out frequently, do Jiu-Jitsu, play football and basketball, and volunteer at a community centre every other week.” When he met Ruth, Aaron was looking for someone “who is as caring and generous as I am. Someone who is active, and can hang with different types of people. I have a very eclectic group of friends.”

I had been dating a lot after getting out of my first “adult” relationsh­ip. I came out of it with a lot of insight on the female brain and definitely used that to my advantage when I started dating again. Eventually, I met this girl who I really liked. She was a gym nut, like me, softspoken and quirky. The sexual attraction was definitely up there.

The night of our third date, I got home and checked my dating app. There was a new message waiting for me from a name I didn’t recognize. I clicked on the message. “Hey, nice teeth!” was all it said. I thought it was a little weird. The woman who sent it was cute and had a killer body. Definitely out of my league. I assumed it was a fake troll account, or someone looking for potential sugar daddies, but I have a thing for tall brunettes, so it got my attention.

I read her profile. It was funny. I was confused. Why would a fake account put effort into writing a funny profile? Most profiles are generic. Women all say they love yoga and consider themselves “foodies,” and that they love to travel. Ruth’s was short and to the point.

I replied, hesitantly. She gave me her phone number and I texted her. I liked her no-nonsense, quick-witted approach. She definitely stood out from other girls I’ve dated. It was late, so I told her I’d give her a call the next day.

The first phone call is always an awkward one, but with Ruth it went strangely smoothly. I told her that I’d like to take her out to dinner that weekend. It was only after I talked to Ruth that I realized I had a fourth date with the other girl already set for the same night. I called the other girl and reschedule­d.

Meeting Ruth was one of those “Thank God” moments. She was beautiful and looked like her pictures. She had a great smile. Her face was so expressive — I just wanted to crack jokes so I could watch her laugh.

We started joking back and forth right away. I made a comment about our server and instead of thinking I was weird, Ruth built on the joke, and we spent the next10 minutes making up an entire backstory together.

There was this familiarit­y about Ruth, like we’d known each other for years. We found out that we had once lived five minutes away from each other. We started talking about friends and family. I knew Ruth wasn’t in the market for a sugar daddy when I told her I was renting a basement apartment and drove a latemodel Corolla, and she didn’t care. She was embarrasse­d about her car, too.

I didn’t make any obvious moves. All I wanted to do was make her laugh. I did try pushing her boundaries a little. I asked her if I could try some of the food off her plate. Without waiting for a response, I took a big piece and put it in my mouth. I just wanted to see what she would say. She laughed and asked me why I bothered asking her if I was going to take it anyway.

She then took the entire chicken breast from my plate and started eating it.

We were surprised when we looked around and saw that nobody else was left in the restaurant. I was actually a little sad that the date was ending. I asked if I could walk her to her car, both to make sure she got there safely and because I wanted to spend a little more time with her. We hugged and I definitely held on to the hug an extra few seconds.

I got home that night and messaged the other girl I was supposed to go on a fourth date with, and ended it with her.

The day of my second date with Ruth I was a little worried — would it be as good? We were meeting on a street corner and I saw Ruth walking up with a huge grin on her face. She crossed the street and jumped me, and we had our first, very awkward and very sweet kiss. Now, we have a dog, two cats and are planning for our future.

Aaron rates his date (out of 10): 10 Want to be a dating diarist? Email datingdiar­

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Aaron took a big piece of Ruth’s food and put it in his mouth. Ruth laughed, and proceeded to take an entire chicken breast from his plate.
DREAMSTIME Aaron took a big piece of Ruth’s food and put it in his mouth. Ruth laughed, and proceeded to take an entire chicken breast from his plate.

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