Toronto Star

Chinese leader asks Trump to show N. Korea restraint


BEIJING— China’s president, Xi Jinping, has urged U.S. President Donald Trump to show restraint toward North Korea despite signs that the North may be preparing a nuclear test. Xi made the appeal in a phone call with Trump on Monday that reflected growing alarm over North Korea’s plans, which could tip the region into crisis.

The phone conversati­on, on Monday morning in Beijing, came after Trump had already used a meeting with Xi in Florida, a followup phone call, interviews and Twitter messages to press Xi to do more to deter North Korea from holding additional nuclear and missile tests. The U.S. and its allies have been on alert for another atomic test by the North.

In the latest call, the third between the two leaders, Xi indicated to Trump that China opposed any such test by North Korea, but he also nudged Trump to avoid a tit-for-tat response to the North’s fiery threats, according to a report on Chinese television.

“China adamantly opposes any actions in contravent­ion of the United Nations Security Council resolution­s,” Xi said, according to the report, referring to a series of decisions by the council to punish North Korea for its nuclear and missile programs.

“At the same time, it is hoped that all sides exercise restraint and avoid doing things that exacerbate tensions on the peninsula,” Xi said, referring to the Korean Peninsula. “Only if all sides live up to their responsibi­lities and come together from different directions can the nuclear issue on the peninsula be resolved as quickly as possible.”

The comments reflected growing Chinese fears that the tensions between North Korea and the United States could spiral into outright military conflict. That widening rift is presenting China with confoundin­g choices between its long-standing ties to North Korea and its hopes for steady relations with the U.S.

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