Toronto Star

Go to town with Make-Out City

Try this upper back and shoulder stretch you can do any time, anywhere, with the most important person in your life: you


Make-Out City is an organic upper back and shoulder stretch you can do anytime, anywhere, with the most important person in your life — the always dependable, ever embraceabl­e you!

Find your way to a discreet location for some serious self-care.

Snuggle your right elbow into the pocket of your left elbow and reach each hand toward its opposite shoulder blade, aspiring to clasp their inner edges with your fingertips. Rest your chin on your upper arms and enjoy a make-out session with yourself.

Wiggle, shimmy and squirm for a count of seven breaths before unclasping your arms and switching sides.

Ready to take things to the next level? Bring a pair of massage balls to Make-Out City. Place the balls against your upper back on either side of your spine and between your shoulder blades. Squash them against a wall and go to town. Sologamy Sologamy is the act of marrying oneself in a ceremony to celebrate the active choice to be single. The self-marriage movement has gained enough momentum to attract the attention of Policy Horizons Canada, a government body that anticipate­s emerging policy opportunit­ies and challenges in a rapidly changing and complex world.

“As more people choose to live single, ceremonies and rituals to reinforce the legitimacy of this choice may continue to emerge,” Horizons suggests. YuMee Chung is a recovering lawyer who teaches yoga in Toronto. She is on the faculty of a number of yoga teacher training programs and leads internatio­nal yoga retreats. Learn more about her at

 ?? ANNE-MARIE JACKSON/TORONTO STAR ?? Ready to take this stretch to the next level? Bring a pair of massage balls to Make-Out City and place them against your upper back.
ANNE-MARIE JACKSON/TORONTO STAR Ready to take this stretch to the next level? Bring a pair of massage balls to Make-Out City and place them against your upper back.

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