Toronto Star

Calf Pose is udder relief

Stretching calf muscles is a must, especially if you wear heels on regular basis


Looking to improve your lower body moo-bility? Look no further than Calf Pose. This deep stretch for the hamstrings and, ahem, calf muscles is essentiall­y one quarter of a yoga classic called Cow Face Pose.

Sit on the ground with your legs outstretch­ed and the soles of the feet resting on a wall or against yoga blocks.

Ensure the feet are hip-distance apart and parallel to one another.

Bend your right knee and step the foot onto the opposite side of the left thigh.

Stack right knee over left in the midline of your body and rest the pinky-side of your right foot beside your left outer hip.

If there is a large gap between your knees, fill it with a folded blanket or sofa cushion.

Inhale as you grow taller through the spine and angle your upper body forward over the outstretch­ed leg as you exhale, supporting yourself with your hands. Think about reaching your chin out in front of your knee.

Milk the pose for all its worth by angling the left foot away from the wall or yoga block.

Take five slow breaths before switching sides. High heel helper If you wear heels on a regular basis, calf stretches are a must. These postural muscles are notorious for losing their range of motion when held in a shortened position for long periods of time, such as when wearing heels. At least 15 degrees of dorsiflexi­on (bending the top of the foot back toward the face at the ankle joint) is required to run and walk properly. Downward Facing Dog is a yoga pose that can undo some of the damage caused by inappropri­ate footwear. YuMee Chung is a recovering lawyer who teaches at Octopus Garden Yoga Centre in Toronto. She is on the faculty of a number of yoga teacher training programs and leads internatio­nal yoga retreats. Learn more about her at

 ?? ANNE-MARIE JACKSON/TORONTO STAR ?? YuMee Chung demonstrat­es the Calf Pose, which improves lower body mobility, at Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre in Toronto.
ANNE-MARIE JACKSON/TORONTO STAR YuMee Chung demonstrat­es the Calf Pose, which improves lower body mobility, at Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre in Toronto.

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