Toronto Star

‘Change’ to more of the same


Re People want us to win this election, Feb. 5 So Caroline Mulroney is “sick and tired” of Ontario’s Liberal government and says “people” want the Tories in power at Queen’s Park. Really?

Well, I’m ill and fatigued, as well as angry, cross and annoyed with members of well-heeled, privileged classes spouting the worn-out cliché “sick and tired.” And using their background­s as members of the old status quo to trot out the fantasy that they’re “new” and “fresh.”

Raised in privilege and trained at that American hotbed of radicalism, Harvard, she proclaims that it’s “time for a change,” as if that’s not one of the slipperies­t bromides of all time when the speaker represents more of the same (she’ll stick with the “People’s Guarantee”), if not regression.

These are trick phrases that betray contempt for citizens who may be undereduca­ted in parsing political parlance. With their jaded lingo, Mulroney and Doug Ford try to fool unsuspecti­ng citizens into actually supporting opposition to urgently needed, drastic and meaningful change such as scaling back the overweenin­g power of corporatio­ns. Barrie Zwicker, Toronto

Political novice Caroline Mulroney has barely made her presence felt in this province, Doug Ford has overblown his presence and Christine Elliot has a genuine and perennial presence.

Now that the attendance has been taken, let’s hope the PC party will get it right this time when it chooses its next leader. Robert Ariano, Toronto

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