Toronto Star

PC hopeful out after social media exposed

Party said Shawn Bubel was not yet approved as a candidate for Barrie-Innisfil riding


A potential Progressiv­e Conservati­ve candidate who worked as an assistant to former party leader Patrick Brown has decided not to run after questionab­le jokes and comments he posted on social media were uncovered.

“I have reviewed my private Facebook account and regretfull­y found that these posts were inappropri­ate including a crude joke in 2007 and using a derogatory term in 2012 in conversati­on with a lifelong friend,” Shawn Bubel said via Facebook Friday afternoon.

“After speaking with my family I have decided not to pursue the nomination for the Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Party in the riding of Barrie-Innisfil. I trust that those who know me understand these few unfortunat­e examples are not indicative of my online activity nor do they speak to my character.”

A senior party official had previously told the Star that the posts could jeopardize Bubel’s eligibilit­y to run in the June 7 election.

Bubel, now chief of staff to the federal Conservati­ve MP for the area, John Brassard, worked at Queen’s Park with Brown in 2015, and served on Brown’s federal team from 2008 to 2015.

He was running against one other person for the local Ontario PC nomination — Andrea Khanjin — who has also worked for Brown. Candidates still have a few days left to put their names forward.

Some of Bubel’s posts over the past several years, obtained by the Star, include:

Photo of a man wearing a T-shirt saying: “I’d rather be snorting cocaine off a hooker’s a--.”

Writing “I feel like I need a shower” after walking in downtown Barrie, where he says he “can’t walk 20 feet without getting hit up for change.”

Commenting “I would NEVER call you an elite . . . c---s----- maybe.”

A joke about a man punching a female monkey in the face before she performs oral sex.

Photo of a cheerleade­r holding a sign saying “c---s.”

On Thursday, when asked about the social media posts, a senior official with the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves said “the party has not approved this individual to be a candidate yet. Respect for women is an important value in our party and nobody who disrespect­s women or takes action that would cause reputation­al damage to the campaign is likely to be approved to run for the PC party.”

Bubel had earlier told the Star that after reviewing his Facebook postings, “regretfull­y found that some can be deemed as inappropri­ate.

“I agree these past posts were inappropri­ate. I have removed them from my personal Facebook page and taken a valuable lesson from the experience. I have always tried to conduct myself with high ethical standards and profession­alism.”

He said he uses social media “to relay thousands of positive messages and to showcase the spirit of the community. I will continue to do so in the future.”

Bubel has worked with Brassard since 2015, and prior to that was communicat­ions adviser to Brown at Queen’s Park, and a special assistant to Brown for more than seven years when he was a federal MP. Bubel has run unsuccessf­ully for municipal council in the past in Essa, including deputy mayor.

 ?? FACEBOOK ?? Shawn Bubel and Patrick Brown in a photo taken from Bubel’s Facebook account.
FACEBOOK Shawn Bubel and Patrick Brown in a photo taken from Bubel’s Facebook account.

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