Toronto Star

Broadway’s Mockingbir­d courts itself a court date


Will Aaron Sorkin’s stage version of To Kill A Mockingbir­d open in U.S. District Court? That’s not as far-fetched as it sounds. A legal battle between a lawyer for the estate of late Mockingbir­d novelist Harper Lee and Broadway producer Scott Rudin has cast doubt on the fate of the scheduled production and led Rudin to make an extraordin­ary offer: to stage the piece first in federal court, with actor Jeff Daniels playing Atticus Finch, to prove that the adaptation is true to the novel.

That a courtroom drama might provoke a courtroom drama has the makings of, well, a juicy courtroom drama. The fight, being waged in the chambers of federal judges in both New York and Alabama, offers an unusual glimpse into the vituperati­ve backstage wrangling that can erupt over control of a celebrated work of literary fiction when it has been adapted for the stage.

The executor of the estate, lawyer Tonja B. Carter, has objected to what she has characteri­zed as changes Sorkin has made to the book’s well-known characters that derogate the “spirit of the novel.” In a lawsuit filed last month in Alabama, the lawyer asked for unspecifie­d monetary damages and a ruling that Rudin’s company, Rudinplay, “does not have final authority” to decide whether the script abides by the terms of the original agreement signed between the production company and Lee before she died in 2016.

Rudin, producer of The Book of Mormon and other Broadway plays, struck back this week, with a lawsuit in New York, arguing that the Alabama action should be dismissed, that the script is faithful to Lee’s vision and that it is Carter who is going beyond the bounds of Rudinplay’s contract with Lee, which initially paid her $100,000(U.S.) for stage rights to the novel, extending into 2019.

“Ms. Carter’s conduct, in falsely alleging that the script for the play violates the agreement, has rendered it impossible for the play to premiere as scheduled in December 2018, and unless this dispute is resolved in the immediate future, the play will be cancelled,” the suit contends in asking for $10 million in damages.

How exactly Finch and the novel’s other characters fail to abide by the novel’s prescripti­ons is not made entirely clear, although Carter’s suit intimates that Sorkin’s idea of Lee’s Finch — a small-town white lawyer who takes on the unpopular cause of defending a black man accused of rape — is not sufficient­ly heroic. Her suit quotes a portion of an interview Sorkin gave last September to the website Vulture, in which he describes his script as “a different take on Mockingbir­d than Harper Lee’s or Horton Foote’s,” the latter having written the screenplay for the ’62 movie.

“He becomes Atticus Finch by the end of the play,” Sorkin is quoted as saying about his script, “and while he’s going along, he has a kind of running argument with Calpurnia, the housekeepe­r, which is a much bigger role in the play I just wrote. He is in denial about his neighbours and his friends and the world around him, that is as racist as it is, that a Maycomb County (Alabama) jury could possibly put Tom Robinson in jail when it’s so obvious what happened here. He becomes an apologist for these people.”

Rudinplay maintains in its suit, first reported by the New York Times, that while Lee was granted the right to approve the choosing of Sorkin, neither she nor her estate were given “any approval right over the script of the play, or any right to subjective­ly determine whether the play ‘derogates or departs’ from the spirit of the novel or its characters. Rather, the agreement provides only that the estate has ‘the right to review the script of the play and to make comments which shall be considered in good faith’ by the playwright.”

 ??  ?? Jeff Daniels could make his actual courtroom debut as Atticus Finch in the disputed stage adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbir­d.
Jeff Daniels could make his actual courtroom debut as Atticus Finch in the disputed stage adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbir­d.

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