Toronto Star

All Canadians can help fight trade war


Re Trudeau strikes back in tariff war, June 1 I was in the middle of purchasing new kitchen appliances, and had narrowed my decision to a couple of U.S. brands when I learned of the new tariffs. My reaction was similar to most Canadians who are baffled by President Donald Trump’s decision to slap tariffs on his country’s largest trading partner.

A country of roughly 35 million people is trading step for step with a country of 350 million people — $550 billion dollars worth of goods are flowing into Canada each year from the U.S. and $550 billion worth of goods are flowing from Canada into the U.S., in a trade relationsh­ip that is admired around the world.

I will now choose appliances manufactur­ed in South Korea and will consider very carefully every future purchase. I’ll look for alternativ­es to items produced in the U.S. and at food labels as well. Come on Canada. Let’s show the Americans that we are tough, have traded fairly and won’t be bullied. Dennis Chadala, Mississaug­a Maybe someone should take, or drag, U.S. President Donald Trump into a Canadian supermarke­t and point out how many products on the shelves are sourced from the United States, many of which were formerly, pre-NAFTA, made in Canada. Albert Speisman, Toronto When the prices go up on U.S. imports, we’re prepared to “do battle” by proudly buying Canadian. In fact, we’re already reading labels for country of origin and making our choices based on Canada’s national, economic security. We’ve raised the Maple Leaf on our porch today. Marie Prins, Colborne, Ont. It has often been asked why Russian President Vladimir Putin would back Trump in his election bid? Now we know. Ever since Putin was ejected from the G8 group of world leaders, he has wanted to break up that group. Now Trump has taken the steps Putin could have only hoped for. He has made the G7 a new group of G6+1 and has labelled NATO and NORAD members as security risks to the U.S. Putin has to be feeling very pleased that he now has a Western World economical­ly, militarily and politicall­y as insecure as Russia has become — all thanks to the election of Trump. Brian Moore, Brantford


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