Toronto Star

Strangers on a plane chip in for teacher’s needy students


Chicago schoolteac­her Kimberly Bermudez has always been the chatty type.

So when she was on a Southwest Airlines flight to Florida to visit her parents recently, and her seatmate asked her what she did for a living, she told him about her first-graders, some of whom are homeless, and all of whom come from low-income families.

He asked her: “What’s the most challengin­g part of your job?”

When children come to school hungry, she said, and seeing hard-working immigrant parents struggling to provide basic necessitie­s for their families.

“You can’t control what happens at home,” Bermudez, 27, said in an interview, recalling what she told him. “These parents are amazing. They won’t eat to feed their child.”

The seatmate replied that his company donates to schools such as hers, and she enthusiast­ically said her charter school, Carlos Fuentes Elementary, would welcome it. All the teachers and administra­tors in the school go into their own pockets to help the kids with whatever they need — underwear, soap, school supplies — because of how much they care, she said.

A moment later, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see the man seated in the row behind her, who had a baby on his lap.

He apologized for eavesdropp­ing. Then he handed her a stack of cash. “Do something amazing,” he told her. Bermudez looked down and saw a $100 bill on top.

As the plane landed in Jacksonvil­le, a man in the aisle across from her told her he was listening to her conversati­on as well. He said he didn’t have much money on him but handed her a $20.

Then a third contributo­r: “As if my heart couldn’t be any happier, the man in front turned around as well,” Bermudez said.

He said all he had was $10, and he gave it to her. She began to cry in gratitude.

“I said, ‘I’m not here to solicit money; I really am here on this plane just to see my parents,” she recalled saying. “And one of them said, ‘I know. That’s why we’re giving it to you. Use your voice. Use your gift of talking.’ ”

Bermudez walked off the plane almost in a daze. Her mother picked her up at the curb, and when she got in her mom’s car, she counted the money: Five $100 bills, one $20 bill and one $10 bill.

“I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh,’” she said. “I’m very much still processing it.”

Bermudez was not only shocked by the generosity of her fellow passengers but also surprised at something else.

“My generation, we don’t carry any cash,” she said. “I would never expect a complete stranger to have that much cash on them.”

Bermudez said she plans to use the money to buy books for her students, many of them emerging readers, so they can keep them at home. She said a common complaint of her students is that they don’t read at home because they’ve already read the few books they have in their houses. She also is looking into buying backpacks and other school supplies for her students.

 ??  ?? Kimberly Bermudez teaches at a charter school where staff pay for their own supply items.
Kimberly Bermudez teaches at a charter school where staff pay for their own supply items.

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