Toronto Star

Readers caution against anger and fear


Re Tragedy on Danforth, July 24 Of all the inane and meaningles­s comments I’ve heard from political leaders, the recent comments by Doug Ford take the cake. To say that tragic murders “should be a cause for anger” and that “the status quo is not good enough” is not only a contradict­ion, but is devoid of the kind of wisdom that is required by a leader.

It’s contradict­ory because the status quo is anger. Anger is a dominant emotion in North American culture. It is so easy to be angry, especially in response to tragedy. It’s contradict­ory because what is the killing of random people but anger at the world? You’ve got to be a very angry person to open fire at a crowd, or to harm anyone for that matter. And our premier calls for more of the same!

Anger creates more anger. Because the shooter came from a Muslim family, people will direct anger toward Muslims. That will only increase the level of anger generally and make violence even more likely, which will create more anger. And on it goes.

Yes, the status quo needs to change. But how? Are we going to address the social conditions that create this level of anger and alienation, or will Ford’s call for more anger blind us to ratio- nal analysis and intelligen­t discussion? That’s what anger does: it’s why “an eye for an eye” makes the whole world blind. Mark Davidson, associate professor, Law and Society Program, Wilfrid Laurier University When I heard the first bits of informatio­n about the Danforth shooting, I immediatel­y thought it must have taken place in the United States.

Please accept this American’s sympathies for the shooting victims. Along with my hope that all along the Danforth and throughout your storied city can stay Toronto Strong.

And then try to find better ways to explain and address this sort of madness than your American neighbours have managed thus far. Mary Stanik, St. Paul, Minn. Re Editorial cartoon, July 24 I always look forward to seeing the usually insightful editorial cartoon in the Star. But Tuesday’s cartoon really disappoint­ed me.

It gave exactly the wrong message. One person’s insane act is no reason for Toronto to be held hostage. The message should have read “Hey, let’s get out there and not be afraid.” David Gladstone, Toronto


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