Toronto Star

Trump’s Amazon-bashing tweets avoid Pentagon cloud bid

Defense department sticking with original plan of single winner for $10-billion contract The Pentagon’s $10-billion JEDI project is meant to replace multiple outdated programs.


Donald Trump often tweets about the many ways he dislikes Inc. and its founder Jeff Bezos — from the president’s contention that the online merchant has a sweetheart deal with the Postal Service to Bezos’s ownership of what Trump calls “the Amazon Washington Post.”

Yet Trump hasn’t tweeted a word about the $10 billion Pentagon cloud contract that technology rivals complain Amazon is favoured to win. The impulsive president could weigh in anytime, but there’s probably a good reason for his reticence so far: Criticism from the commander-inchief probably wouldn’t derail the deal, and it might even help deliver it to Amazon.

“If it were demonstrat­ed that Amazon was denied the opportunit­y based on the president’s business interests or inappropri­ate criteria, that would raise eyebrows,” said Steven Schooner, a professor at George Washington University Law School with expertise in government procuremen­t.

Strict regulation­s govern what federal agencies can consider when awarding a competitiv­e contract. If Amazon lost the deal after Trump interfered, the Seattle-based company could have grounds to challenge the decision, according to Schooner and other government-contractin­g experts.

The Pentagon is sticking with its plan to pick a single winner for the contract that it calls the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastruc­ture cloud, or JEDI, in a hat-tip to the fictional heroes of Star Wars. Proposals from con- tractors are due in September, and a contract award isn’t expected until next April.

The defense department has said using a single provider is the best way to deliver advanced, secure cloud services to warfighter­s who now depend on multiple outdated platforms.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who has championed the project as a priority, has praised the Central Intelligen­ce Agency’s cloud project, which is run by Amazon.

Oracle Corp., Internatio­nal Business Machines Inc. and Microsoft Corp. lobbied unsuccessf­ully for the Defense Department to split the broad contract among multiple suppliers, and Oracle lodged a challenge with the Government Accountabi­lity Office to the final request for proposals that the Defense Department issued last month.

While Amazon could protest any interventi­on by Trump, no law flatly prohibits a president from publicly or privately urging a federal agency to choose a particular vendor for a contract or change the requiremen­ts of a solicitati­on, procuremen­t experts said.

“The president can basically speak to anyone in the government he wants to,” Schooner said.

Trump hasn’t been shy about his opinions on other multi-billion-dollar defence contracts. He shocked the contractin­g world a month before he took office by criticizin­g Boeing Co.’s deal with the Pentagon to build a new Air Force One.

He also tweeted that he asked Boeing to determine a price for an alternativ­e to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that Lockheed Martin Corp. is building for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, a project that Lockheed won over a competing bid from Boeing in 2001.

In both those cases, Trump was tweeting critical remarks about a deal after the company won the contract, when the risk of tainting the procuremen­t process was less, said Rick Holgate, a research director for consulting firm Gartner Inc.

“I’m not sure the president would be likely to weigh in on this at this point,” Holgate said of the JEDI contract. “He’s probably going to wait to see how this plays out.”

Under the law, federal agencies have to make clear in the final request for proposals the requiremen­ts and criteria they will use to choose a winning bid. While agencies have a lot of latitude to make their vendor choices, losing bidders can challenge a decision to the GAO or in the Court of Federal Claims contending that the ground rules set in a solicitati­on weren’t followed.

“There’s obviously some judgment calls involved in how proposals are rated, but those judgments have to at least be defensible and consistent with the factual record,” procuremen­t lawyer Frank Murray Jr. said in an email. “If the evaluation shows that Amazon is the best value and should win” the award, “it would be a violation of procuremen­t law for Trump” or another high-ranking official “to say, ‘You can’t award to Amazon, pick again.”’ The GAO can confirm or deny protests and make recommenda­tions to a federal agency overseeing a contract. The court can similarly intervene in the contract process.

Conservati­ve activist Seton Motley launched an advertisin­g campaign in the New York Post earlier this year goading Trump not to let the Pentagon give the cloud contract solely to Amazon. The campaign showed photos of Bezos laughing and chatting with Mattis as well as a fictional letter from Bezos telling Trump that the contract “will really help my many efforts to oppose your Administra­tion’s policies.”

Motley said he paid for the ads himself and had no contacts with Amazon’s competitor­s.

There’s little doubt the president is aware of the pending cloud contract and Amazon’s potential stake in it.


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