Toronto Star

Why Mormons want a change of terms


SALT LAKE CITY— The faith has the famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir, recently made a documentar­y about its members called Meet the Mormons and uses “Mormon” in its official website addresses.

But Mormon church president Russell M. Nelson said recently he wants people to stop using “Mormon,” or “LDS” as substitute­s for the full name of the religion: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Nelson said in a statement that the “Lord has impressed upon my mind the importance of the name he has revealed for his church.” The full name was given by revelation from God to founder Joseph Smith in 1838, according to the faith’s beliefs.

The faith’s presidents are considered prophets who lead the church through revelation­s from God. The 93-year-old Nelson ascended to church president in January when the previous president died.

An updated style guide posted by the faith suggests using “the Church,” Church of Jesus Christ” or “restored Church of Jesus Christ” when a shortened reference is needed. For church members, it requests using “Latter-day Saints” or “members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” The term “Mormonism” should no longer be used either to refer to the faith’s doctrine, culture and lifestyle, the styled guide said. The terms “Mormon,” “Mormonism” and “LDS” have been used for decades by the religion and by members and non-members to refer to the Utah-based faith that counts 16 million members. The church has always requested use of the full name, but accepted the use of Mormon and LDS as short-hand.

It will be an “extremely difficult change” since the terms are engrained among members, the media and observers, said Patrick Mason, a professor of religion at Claremont Graduate University in California. Mason thinks church members will try to conform, but predicts outsiders will continue to use Mormon and Mormonsim “both out of habit and ease, since the formal name of the church is so long.”

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