Toronto Star

Doll brothel opening in city


Toronto will soon be home to North America’s first known sex doll brothel, offering sexual services with six silicone-made female dolls.

According to the website for Aura Dolls, the company behind the brothel, the vision is to bring a new way to achieve sexual needs “without the many restrictio­ns and limitation­s that a real partner may come with.”

The brothel is expected to open in a shopping plaza on Yonge St., south of Sheppard A doesn’t give the exact location on its website, stating that it’s announced upon booking.

There are six different female sex dolls advertised. “Exotic girls to cater to everyone’s choice of beauty,” the website reads.

“We tried really hard to try to cater to every single standard of beauty, we have different ethnicity, different eye colours, different hair colour,” said Claire Lee, a representa­tive for Aura Dolls.

The dolls are made of silicone, which is designed to give them a realistic look and feel, she said. In order to sanitizie the dolls, Lee said a three-step routine is used after each booking.

Spending half an hour with one doll costs $80, with two dolls running $160. For an hour, the cost is $120 with one doll. The maximum listed time is four hours for $480 per doll.

Councillor John Filion, Ward 23 Willowdale, said his staff will be “throwing the book at (Aura Dolls) for everything they can.”

 ??  ?? Anna is advertised on the Aura Dolls website as "busty, romantic and spontaneou­s."
Anna is advertised on the Aura Dolls website as "busty, romantic and spontaneou­s."

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