Toronto Star

Define journalist­s by what they do

- EDWARD GREENSPON AND IVOR SHAPIRO Edward Greenspon is president and CEO of the Public Policy Forum, author of The Shattered Mirror and a former editor-in-chief of the Globe and Mail (; @egreenspon). Ivor Shapiro is a journalism prof

In October 2016, La Presse journalist Patrick Lagacé discovered police had been monitoring his communicat­ions and tracking his movements in an apparent effort to uncloak one of his sources. The uproar was such that within a year, Canada’s Parliament joined other nations in enacting a so-called shield law, conferring on journalist­s — and only journalist­s — special statutory rights to protect confidenti­al sources.

The beneficiar­ies cheered their new right as a major step for press freedom, despite its delineatio­n in law of who is and who is not a journalist for the purposes of the protection. The Canada Evidence Act limited the new privilege to those paid to produce informatio­n for “disseminat­ion by the media” as part of their regular work.

A year on, the question of how, or whether, to demarcate who qualifies as a journalist has returned in louder, more insistent terms with the federal government’s pledge to introduce a tax credit rebating an unspecifie­d percentage of the labour costs of newsrooms.

Though there certainly are better and worse ways to go about it, deciding who is a journalist for particular circumstan­ces is neither novel nor overly vexing.

For starters, the mere existence of a definition does not infringe on anyone’s right to report and publish; it simply provides some with the advantage of a shield law or tax credit.

Courts, police and sports teams regularly draw distinctio­ns that have proven acceptable to journalist­s. Those deemed bona fide get to attend closed sessions of trials, interview sweaty hockey players in their dressing room sanctums and secure access to the Parliament­ary press gallery, as determined by other journalist­s.

Jurisprude­nce, academic analysis and democratic practice often involve the exercise of similar judgments. Some European countries, for example, have historical­ly provided forms of public support to (literally) card-carrying journalist­s and their employers.

In libel cases, journalist­s will often defend themselves by arguing they responsibl­y followed industry norms of fair practice.

The means of defining journalist­s tend to fall into one of two categories. The first is through inclusion within a class of peers, perhaps based on who they work for (as with the vague criteria of the shield law), some kind of government­endorsed certificat­ion (common in countries with Mediterran­ean traditions), or membership in a recognized peer organizati­on (comparable with law societies and colleges of physicians).

The alternativ­e to this class method is a functional definition based on what journalist­s do and how they do it, not their profession­al affiliatio­ns. This functional approach is grounded in norms attached to the practice of journalism, such as making efforts to ascertain the accuracy of facts pertaining to current events, and then assembling this informatio­n into stories and analysis made available for the benefit of the public. The content of a report is not the critical factor, nor even its intent, but rather that the journalist­ic equivalent of due process is followed.

Overall, a functional definition is less exclusiona­ry than an attempt to establish a profession­al class of journalist­s. But the unit of measuremen­t should be news organizati­ons and not the more intrusive assessment of individual journalist­s.

Whether large or small, national or local, print, broadcast or digital, newsrooms aggregate reporting and editing resources, provide developmen­tal training, uphold standards and furnish legal and logistical support. They are where most journalist­s reside or, in the case of freelancer­s, sell their work.

To qualify, these newsrooms must dedicate a minimum threshold of resources to the critical task of producing original stories to inform citizens about matters of public importance. They might even be asked to provide the public a means of redress via a media council or create entry positions for young journalist­s.

Whatever one may think of whether journalist­s and their publishers merit public support, defining them by what they do, rather than who they are, should not offend press freedom.

It’s time to move on to the harder questions, such as how to prevent government­s from gaining leverage over journalist­s or how to keep public funds for journalism from leaking into dividends, interest payments or executive bonuses.

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