Toronto Star

Is Taylor Swift watching her stalkers?

Men have threatened to marry, kidnap or kill the popular singer


When Taylor Swift played the Rose Bowl in May, a kiosk was set up for adoring fans to view videos of her. But there may have been more to that screen than met the eye.

According to an interview in Rolling Stone, the kiosk took photos of people looking at the videos. The images were sent back to a “command post” in Nashville, where they were cross-referenced, using facial recognitio­n technology, with a database of people who had been identified as potential stalkers of the pop star.

The use of facial recognitio­n was revealed by Mike Downing, the chief security officer of Oak View Group, an entertainm­ent company, who told Rolling Stone that he observed the technology firsthand as a guest of the company that designed the kiosks. “Everybody who went by would stop and stare at it, and the software would start working,” Downing told Rolling Stone.

Facial recognitio­n is proliferat­ing both as a technology to help law enforcemen­t identify criminals and as a convenient feature to help consumers unlock their phones, among other functions. Its use is also growing in the entertainm­ent realm: Madison Square Garden is among the venues employing it. The Swift team’s reported use of facial recognitio­n, however, could represent a new tactic: luring people to step in front of the camera, rather than just scanning a crowd or waiting for fans to pass by.

It was not clear which company designed the kiosk, whether it was used at other concerts, whether any potential stalkers were identified and, if so, what was done about them. The Oak View Group and Swift’s representa­tives did not respond to requests for comment.

Only a couple of states have laws restrictin­g the use of facial recognitio­n and California is not among them. Nonetheles­s, many civil liberties advocates consider it to be among the most invasive surveillan­ce technologi­es because it can be used to recognize people at a distance without their knowledge, curtailing their ability to go about their business anonymousl­y in public.

“Obviously, stalking of celebritie­s is a real problem,” said Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst for the American Civil Liberties Union. “This is a somewhat sympatheti­c deployment of the technology but, nonetheles­s, there are a number of concerns about where this goes.”

Swift has had several docu- mented instances of stalkers. This month, Roger Alvarado agreed to a plea deal that included six months’ imprisonme­nt in connection with a break-in at Swift’s New York City townhouse. The police said he had been asleep in her bed. In 2014, Swift discussed her need for a security detail in an interview with Esquire.

She spoke of “the sheer number of men we have in a file who have showed up at my house, showed up at my mom’s house, threatened to either kill me, kidnap me or marry me.

“This is the strange and sad part of my life that I try not to think about. I try to be lightheart­ed about it, because I don’t ever want to be scared. I don’t want to be walking down the street scared.”

 ??  ?? Face recognitio­n technology was used at Taylor Swift’s Rose Bowl concert.
Face recognitio­n technology was used at Taylor Swift’s Rose Bowl concert.

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