Toronto Star


- Catherine Roberts Aubrey LeBlanc Chair, CMRAO

Ontario’s condo laws have been overhauled — good news for the province’s 1.6 million condo owners.

The changes, which stemmed from an 18-month review of Ontario’s condo laws, are intended to provide better protection for condo owners and residents. Prior to Nov 2017, the condo management sector was unregulate­d, and anyone could be a condo manager. Today, just like with other licensed profession­s in the province, condo managers are acknowledg­ed as profession­als and must be licensed to provide their services.

New rules mean better managers

Under the legislatio­n and regulation­s that came into effect on Nov 1, 2017, the Condominiu­m Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) oversees all condo managers and management companies, and ensures that anyone providing condo management services is licensed (whether they operate as individual­s or as part of a company), meets education and experience requiremen­ts, and complies with a code of ethics. To date, over 3,000 condo managers and condo management companies have been licensed in Ontario. Mandatory education includes instructio­n in legal, financial, building management, and administra­tive matters to ensure condo owners and residents reap the benefits of a competent management team. “We’re confident that the new licensing and education requiremen­ts will improve the integrity of the sector as a whole and will build confidence for those who choose condo living,” says Aubrey LeBlanc, Chair of the CMRAO’s Board of Directors. This regulatory body operates as a non-profit organizati­on and, in addition to licensing, manages a complaints process and maintains an up-to-date online public registry where condo residents can verify that their condo manager is licensed. This new addition provides an extra layer of protection and assurance for condo buyers as well, especially those who are new to the property-owning experience. “As more and more people choose to live in condos, the regulation of the condo management sector is crucial,” says LeBlanc.

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