Toronto Star

Is it time for Cherry to retire from TV?


Re Cherry’s storm par for discourse, Arthur, Feb. 21 If Bruce Arthur doesn’t like Don Cherry, why did he bother watching Coach’s Corner last Saturday night? And, curiously, Arthur described it as being “an utterly typical Coach’s Corner segment,” which means he must watch Cherry a lot, just like many other Canadians do.

Highlighti­ng Cherry’s chronologi­cal age and tearing into him as being “an old man shouting at the camera” and someone who is “growing older as everyone watches” and who “makes less sense than he ever has” really shows Arthur to be an ageist with a mean-spirited streak that seems out of place with a progressiv­ely oriented newspaper like the Star. His attack on Cherry, written to surely humiliate and embarrass him, was in extremely poor taste.

Arthur also seems pleased that Bob Cole, another long-time Hockey Night in Canada stalwart, also with a unique style, will no longer be part of the broadcast scene and he expresses veiled criticism of HNIC that Cherry is not following Cole out the door.

Ageism is an insulting, pervasive form of discrimina­tion that all of us, including Arthur, will face in one form or another, sooner rather than later — guaranteed. Keith Noble, Toronto I can’t agree more with Bruce Arthur. Don Cherry may “know what he’s talking about,” as he frequently spouts, but unless Ron MacLean is there to prompt him, he would be lost.

If only Cherry would read Arthur’s transcript of his Coach’s Corner conversati­on from Saturday, he might see how idiotic he sounds. Does he prepare for Coach’s Corner? It certainly doesn’t seem so. Working alongside a profession­al like MacLean only makes Cherry sound like a boob. Dave Brisbin, Elora, Ont.


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