Toronto Star

Taverner shows he has better sense than Ford

- Twitter: @roysonjame­s

Toronto police Supt. Ron Taverner has done the Doug Ford government, and everyone, a huge favour by declining the controvers­ial offer to assume the job of top cop in the province.

Predictabl­y, Ford is looking the gift horse in the mouth, refusing to cut his losses and move on.

An independen­t appraisal of the controvers­y leads to an obvious conclusion: Ford never should have appointed his personal and family friend as OPP commission­er. And having done so, and having been called out resolutely and persuasive­ly by partisan and nonpartisa­n voices, Ford’s best response would have been to seek an out.

But that’s not the premier’s style. Like another bombastic, politicall­y incorrect politician who has little patience for process and nuance and public perception, much less real conflict of interest, Ford has doubled down.

Clinging to what best fuels his brand of politics, hubris and arrogance, Ford says: the opposition parties reject Taverner’s appointmen­t because they hate the police; he’s spoken to “hundreds” of OPP officers who tell him, in effect, Taverner is just what the province’s police force needs; those opposing Taverner’s appointmen­t are hell-bent on politicizi­ng the process; any clear-minded person would see that the 72-year-old Taverner is ideal for the job.

Actually, Taverner is not at all suited. And by withdrawin­g his name from considerat­ion, Taverner has shown better judgment than his friend.

This is not about Taverner. He is a capable police leader, now into more than half a century of serving and protect- ing the people of Toronto. It’s about process, abuse of privilege and the arrogance of a man who thinks that, as the top political dog, he can bark and howl and have people cower in fear and dread, without effective blowback.

Unexpected­ly, OPP Deputy Brad Blair would have none of the appointmen­t and publicized what is blatantly obvious. The appointmen­t of Taverner smacks of conflict of interest, political influence peddling, and bad judgment.

The fact that the job requiremen­ts were lowered to a level that allowed Taverner to qualify should be reason enough for concern. Then there is the involvemen­t of Mario Di Tommaso, a deputy minister in the ministry that oversees the police, Taverner’s former boss at the Toronto police force, and a member of the interview panel for the vacant OPP top job. It was Di Tommaso who fired Blair this week, sparking further controvers­y.

The Ontario Provincial Police must be extremely independen­t of the government. Its head, the commission­er, cannot have any allegiance or ties, real or imagined, to the ruling party or its leader. It is the OPP that is called to conduct investigat­ions of wrongdoing by the politician­s at Queen’s Park. When such an investigat­ion is engaged, all parties must have confidence that the head of the investigat­ion, the boss, is independen­t and impartial and not influenced in any way by historical or present loyalties.

Imagine if Ford wants to investigat­e an opposition party member and calls on the OPP? Taverner, as OPP commission­er, would be in the awkward position of having to prove his independen­ce. Understand­ably, the party being investigat­ed would question their ability to get a fair hearing. Conversely, how strenuousl­y would Taverner pursue a case against his buddy Doug?

None of this is fair. It’s the reality. In fact, Taverner may go out of his way to be tough on Ford, or be overly fair to Ford’s political opponents. But even that is a problem. It is impossible to avoid the reasonable apprehensi­on of conflict of interest.

I sit on a community board with Taverner, and this associatio­n brings clearly to mind why politics, conflict of interest, and the easy perversion of a good thing is such a pervasive and ticklish issue.

We are both committed to Trust 15, a community organizati­on started to help the kids of Rexdale find their place in this city, experience opportunit­ies beyond their “priority neighbourh­ood” and become proud and brilliant citizens.

Taverner is so vested in this group that he allows them to set up office at the local police division and hold community meetings there.

Now, this is in Ford’s riding. Having been made aware of Trust 15, likely through Taverner, Ford opened his cottage to the Trust 15 kids for a summer day trip. But here’s where the balancing act becomes wobbly.

Challenged about his racial attitudes, Ford exaggerate­d his affiliatio­n with the Black community, claiming he and his brother, the late mayor Rob Ford, had done more for Black people than any other politician in the country. Pressed to recall the Fords’ benevolenc­e to Black folks, reporters challenged the PC leader.

Cornered, Ford cited Trust 15’s cottage visit — totally missing the point that if you have to cite such civic actions toward constituen­ts you are paid to serve, you have already lost the argument. Better to do what Taverner does, every day, in more ways, with no publicity.

Doug Ford didn’t get it then. He doesn’t get it now. He is incurable, by choice, not chance.

 ?? KEVIN VINER IPOLITICS ?? Premier Doug Ford never should have appointed his friend Toronto police Supt. Ron Taverner as OPP commission­er, writes Royson James. And he should be relieved Taverner has backed out.
KEVIN VINER IPOLITICS Premier Doug Ford never should have appointed his friend Toronto police Supt. Ron Taverner as OPP commission­er, writes Royson James. And he should be relieved Taverner has backed out.
 ?? Royson James ??
Royson James

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