Toronto Star

The science behind Lil Bub’s magic

A study of the celebrity cat could one day help treat humans with osteopetro­sis


Dario scientific Lupianez papers is with the author titles including of dense “Breaking TADs: How alteration­s of chromatin domains result in disease.” Now he, as one member of an internatio­nal team of molecular biologists, is also a co-author of a paper on the ex-

traordinar­y genetics of celebrity cat Lil Bub. Lil Bub is a kitten-size cat with two million Instagram followers, a talk show, astage production, an album and a book. The new study reveals the weird DNA behind what is often described as her magical appeal.

“We can definitely say she’s magical,” said Lupianez, who lives in Berlin and who, like his colleagues, has never met Lil Bu bin person .“I remember the mo- ment when we first saw her on the Skype video and we were just like, ‘Uhhhhh.’ ” In some respects, Lupianez and his partners in this project, fellow Berlin resident Daniel Ibrahim and University of Pennsylvan­ia’s Orsolya Symmons, now know Lil Bub more intimately than pretty much anyone. They spent four years crowdfundi­ng money to sequence the cat’s genome, creating whimsical videos and a blog to demystify a complicate­d process, and analyzing Bub’s genetic material to discover what makes her so very unusual. It helps to know what Lil Bub looks like to understand why they did this. The cat has a short snout, enormous green eyes and a pink tongue that hangs

from her stunted jaw like an errant piece of bubble gum. She never developed teeth, and she stopped growing around four pounds. Each of her paws boasts an extra toe, for a total of 22. (Six on the front paws, five on the back.)

When Ibrahim first learned about Lil Bub a few years ago on a video about celebrity cats — “I had 40 minutes,” he said — a light bulb turned on. He and Lupianez were both working in a genetics lab that studied bone disorders and limb malformati­ons, and “this was similar to what we see in patients, except this was a cat,” Ibrahim said. He dashed to Lupianez’s office, where they began musing about gene mutations.

Soon, they were drafting an email to Lil Bub’s owner in Indiana, inquiring whether they might be allowed to sequence the genome of this feline sensation. Mike Bridavsky, who refers to himself as Bub’s dude, said he didn’t hesitate to send a blood sample, though he jokes that the results were a tad disappoint­ing.

“She’s quite literally one in infinity, you could say, as far as a genetic anomaly,” Bridavsky said of the cat he found in a tool shed shortly after her birth in 2011.

“I personally was convinced that they would find that her DNA was not from our planet, which is what I was hoping for, or there was some crazy prehistori­c DNA — that she was part dinosaur.”

Lupianez and Ibrahim wondered whether the cat’s two already-diagnosed conditions — polydactyl­y, the term for her extra digits, and the rare boneharden­ing disorder osteopetro­sis — might be the result of one gene mutation, which would be an important finding.

Instead, they found in an initial test that Lil Bub’s polydactyl­y resulted from the same gene mutation that causes it in Ernest Hemingway’s famous six-toed cats, generation­s of which have lived at the writer’s former home in Key West, Fla. That mutation is different from those that cause polydactyl­y in cats outside North America, which means Bub is related to the Hemingway cats.

With that settled, they knew that “everything else that makes Bub so unique — the cute little face, the osteopetro­sis, the tiny body size — is probably due to another mutation,” said Ibrahim, a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics.

First, they compared her genome with that of a reference cat, then they focused on genes that control bodily functions. Finally, they asked a colleague who specialize­s in bone disorders which of those are known to cause osteopetro­sis.

That led them to a mutation in a gene called RANK/ TNFRSF11A, which has been found in about 15 humans and one mouse — all of whom, the researcher­s said, share physical similariti­es with Lil Bub. In Xrays, their bones look deformed and bright white, with little to no marrow cavity. The mouse, like Lil Bub, also was missing teeth.

What it all adds up to, the researcher­s said, is a new case study for an extremely rare disorder — another example of how it can manifest itself and progress. Which means that Lil Bub could help doctors better treat human patients whose osteopetro­sis stems from the same gene mutation.

 ??  ?? Lil Bub is a cat with two million Instagram followers, a talk show, a stage production, an album and a book.
Lil Bub is a cat with two million Instagram followers, a talk show, a stage production, an album and a book.
 ?? LILBUBOME ?? Berlin-based molecular biologists Daniel Ibrahim, left, and Dario Lupianez emailed Lil Bub’s owner in Indiana, Mike Bridavsky, to see if they would be allowed to sequence the genome of the cat.
LILBUBOME Berlin-based molecular biologists Daniel Ibrahim, left, and Dario Lupianez emailed Lil Bub’s owner in Indiana, Mike Bridavsky, to see if they would be allowed to sequence the genome of the cat.

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