Toronto Star

The untold story behind Ford’s bold college try

Premier’s backing of school run by homophobic preacher leads to PC caucus backlash

- Martin Regg Cohn

In his most bizarre political stunt as premier, Doug Ford is trying to rewrite our laws to help the controvers­ial Canada Christian College leapfrog into coveted university status — even before receiving regulatory approval.

But that’s only half the story. The untold story gets worse — because it turns out the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing in Ontario. Or perhaps doesn’t want to know. Headed by the notoriousl­y homophobic and Islamophob­ic Charles Mcvety, Canada Christian College is seeking the right to confer BA and BSC degrees — despite the fact regulatory authoritie­s have consistent­ly challenged its academic credential­s and rejected its graduates. Now, Mcvety’s delusion — with the premier’s collusion — is underminin­g Ontario’s university accreditat­ion process and unsettling Ford’s fellow Tories as the public clamour grows.

A pillar of CCC’S programs is its Christian counsellin­g department, which issues “master” and “doctor” degrees for those who study “theories of counsellin­g and psychother­apy.” But a pillar is not a pathway.

The College of Registered Psychother­apists of Ontario (CRPO) has repeatedly turned down applicants who rely on their degrees in “Christian Counsellin­g” from Mcvety’s school, challengin­g its academic integrity.

DEBORAH ADAMS “I can tell you that we have had concerns, staff have concerns, about applicants from (Canadian Christian College).” REGISTRAR, COLLEGE OF REGISTERED PSYCHOTHER­APISTS OF ONTARIO

The provincial self-regulating authority, whose powers are delegated by the government, has also questioned the accuracy and veracity of suspicious academic transcript­s issued by the bible college on behalf of believers.

A damning decision by a CRPO panel in 2016 noted applicants must “develop the competence to safely practise psychother­apy and the committee had reasonable grounds for doubting the quality of education provided to students at Canada Christian College.”

Academic transcript­s are like the gospel on any campus — they should surely be sacrosanct, with no deviations from the truth. That appeared not to be the case at Canada Christian College, where transcript entries were out of sequence — degrees conferred before coursework was completed — and transfer credits from another unaccredit­ed institutio­n were accepted in a dubious manner:

“The committee was concerned about the discrepanc­ies that appeared in both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees transcript­s from Canada Christian College and stated transcript­s are designed to be sources of accurate and reflective informatio­n about a student’s performanc­e and progress in an educationa­l program. The numerous discrepanc­ies led the committee to question the credential­s presented.”

In a 2018 ruling, the Health Profession­s Appeal and Review Board endorsed the original decision, as it has in similar cases in ’19 and ’20. In another case, in ’18, the regulator expressed its “doubts that degrees from Canada Christian College meet the standards and rigour normally expected of degree programs in Canada” (upheld again on appeal Sept. 2).

The registrar of the CRPO, Deborah Adams, stressed the regulator believes qualified psychother­apists must respect diversity in religion and sexual orientatio­n. That means demonstrat­ing “competence around being able to provide safe, ethical, effective care to people from all over the spectrum of race and sexuality and everything else … to respect diversity,” she noted in an interview.

Canada Christian College specifies students must “refrain from practices that are biblically condemned.”

Questions to McVety as president of CCC were referred to his legal representa­tive, prominent libel lawyer Julian Porter, who forwarded an email from McVety’s son Ryan (who serves as vice-president and general counsel for the institutio­n):

“Canada Christian College offers a robust and excellent Christian Counsellin­g degree program at the undergradu­ate and graduate level. CCC does not directly teach registered psychother­apy as a program. Some graduates do choose to profession­ally go down that path and many have been accepted and registered by the CRPO, some have been rejected,” the email states.

But Adams of the CRPO told me any graduates from McVety’s campus who gained registrati­on as psychother­apists relied solely on their other academic credential­s, not their degrees from Canada Christian College:

“We have not registered any graduates who have come forward with exclusivel­y Canada Christian College credential­s,” she noted. “I can tell you that we have had concerns, staff have concerns, about applicants from CCC.”

Yet those admonition­s from the regulator have not deterred Ford from translatin­g McVety’s ambition into legislatio­n. The government planned on using its majority muscle to shoehorn his applicatio­n, unnoticed at first, into an urgent bill dealing with more pressing pandemic matters.

That brazen attempt to avoid public scrutiny, under cover of COVID-19, speaks volumes. Facing a backlash, the Tories now say that, upon passage in the legislatur­e, they will wait for a review from outside assessors before formally proclaimin­g it into law — handing off this wobbly political football to the independen­t, non-partisan Post-secondary Education Quality Assessment Board for a final recommenda­tion.

That suggests two different provincial authoritie­s — the psychother­apy regulator (CRPO), and the post-secondary assessor (PEQAB) — are like two ships passing in the night, with the premier navigating the shoals in the captain’s chair. And fending off a political rebellion from a mutinous crew of Progressiv­e Conservati­ves whose concerns were previously brushed aside.

Inside the supposedly arm’s length PEQAB, which was blindsided by the government’s manoeuvres, there is confusion and disillusio­nment. Independen­t experts and academics are hired to assess applicatio­ns for university status and expanded degreegran­ting powers, but, by legislatin­g the changes to Canada Christian College in advance, PEQAB has been emasculate­d and embarrasse­d.

“It does hurt the reputation of PEQAB, and we did voice these concerns,” said one source who spoke without attributio­n because they were not authorized to comment publicly. “It doesn’t make us look good. … We will never say ‘Yes’ to something we are not 100 per cent satisfied with — if they want to be a university, it’s going to be tough.”

All of which suggests McVety’s applicatio­n was a long-shot, and Ford is merely stringing him along — while tying everyone else in knots.

So, is this a perversion of the process, or merely a political diversion — a sop to an erstwhile political ally so the premier can say he did his bidding, and then rely on outside experts to do the dirty work of rejecting a dubious applicatio­n?

Even for Ford loyalists, the politics stink. The odiferous embrace of a homophobic and Islamophob­ic McVety by a premier who should know better deeply troubles his fellow Tories.

“Caucus was not in support of this — a number of us flagged it … well before legislatio­n was introduced,” said one Progressiv­e Conservati­ve MPP. “It made no sense … we warned him it would be a PR disaster.”

The issue went back to the premier’s office for considerat­ion. But it ended up on the floor of the legislatur­e as a fait accompli — and a faux pas for the party faithful, who are being held hostage by true believers.

Who exactly is Charles McVety and how did he get Ford to swallow his combustibl­e mix of political and religious divisivene­ss? While McVety is notorious in political circles — popping up every few years to lead crusades against sex education, stoke prejudice against gays or LGBTQ marriage and whip up hostility to Islam — he is a fringe figure who now has Ford’s ear.

McVety has mused in public that, “according to Jesus Christ, we have to love Muslims, but we don’t have to love Islam”; he warns that “Islam is not just a religion, it’s a … mandate for a hostile takeover”; he describes same-sex marriage as “a dagger in the heart of man”; he decries sex education as a “militant homosexual agenda”; and he preaches that “homosexual­s prey on children.”

Pray tell, how did McVety seduce Ford into giving him what he wanted? The stroking was mutual.

In early 2018, McVety threw his support behind Ford’s come-from-behind bid for the party leadership, in exchange for a pledge to review Ontario’s updated sex-ed curriculum. Their love affair was consummate­d over Christmas, nearly two years ago, when Ford and his family gave their blessings to a fawning celebratio­n organized by Canada Christian College.

“We want to thank premier Ford not only for coming tonight but also standing up for Christians,” McVety told the audience of thousands.

“I am so proud to be here,” Ford replied, joining in prayer with his wife, Karla, and her brother, Michael Middlebroo­k, a pastor, according to an exclusive account by the Toronto Sun’s Joe Warmington.

Like a number of articles, the Sun story refers to “Dr. Charles McVety” — as does the Canada Christian College website. Which raises the question, where did McVety get his PhD from?

While there are many full biographie­s for faculty on the CCC website, there is none visible for Dr. Charles McVety, who is listed only as president and “Professor of Systematic Theology.”

In an interview with veteran journalist Marci McDonald for her book on “Christian nationalis­m in Canada,” McVety told her his “degree came from California State Christian College,” which she noted was unaccredit­ed. A report by Good Faith Media, which covers “the intersecti­on of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens,” also noted “McVety received his doctorate from California State Christian University. An American extension of Tae Han Theologica­l Seminary and College in Seoul, South Korea, California State Christian University is affiliated with Victory Bible Colleges Internatio­nal. Neither body is listed in a Council for Higher Education Accreditat­ion database of institutio­ns recognized by U.S. accreditin­g agencies.”

An online link to biographic­al informatio­n on the president’s son, Dr. Ryan McVety — listed as “Professor of Christian Worldview” with a doctorate — has been taken down. Nor is there a biography for McVety’s wife, Jennifer McVety, who also claims a doctorate and is listed as registrar.

At CCC, it’s all in the family. But when I asked each of them directly for biographic­al informatio­n attesting to their academic achievemen­ts, none replied.

When I went back again to Porter, their legal representa­tive who has been handling their media inquiries the past couple of days, to ask if he could answer that question on pedagogica­l pedigree and provenance — or any of the others I had submitted about the operations and operators of Canada Christian College — he replied with a one word email:


“I can tell you that we have had concerns, staff have concerns, about applicants from CCC.” DEBORAH ADAMS REGISTRAR OF THE CRPO

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 ?? RICHARD LAUTENS TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? Headed by the notoriousl­y homophobic and Islamophob­ic Charles McVety, Canada Christian College is seeking the right to confer BA and BSc degrees — despite the fact regulatory authoritie­s have consistent­ly challenged its academic credential­s.
RICHARD LAUTENS TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO Headed by the notoriousl­y homophobic and Islamophob­ic Charles McVety, Canada Christian College is seeking the right to confer BA and BSc degrees — despite the fact regulatory authoritie­s have consistent­ly challenged its academic credential­s.

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