Toronto Star

Let’s keep our eyes focused on what anti-Semitism really is


Re Taking a stand against anti-Semitism, Opinion, Nov. 3 In his article praising the adoption by the Ontario Legislatur­e of the Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Alliance Working Definition of Antisemiti­sm (IHRA WDA), Michael Levitt misreprese­nts a controvers­ial and widely debated document as an unchalleng­eable measure to combat hate and discrimina­tion.

In fact, the IHRA WDA has been widely questioned by many who value freedom of speech, academic freedom and the right to protest.

The document has been used to attack and even prosecute those who criticize Israel for its decades-long denial of Palestinia­n human rights, and has been deemed “one of the most contentiou­s documents in the history of efforts to combat anti-Semitism.”

The “internatio­nal consensus” that Levitt claims exists is belied by a long list of prominent individual­s and civil society organizati­ons, Jewish and non-Jewish, that have spoken out against the use of the IHRA WDA to suppress speech critical of Israeli policy toward Palestinia­ns.

These include: Kenneth Stern, author of the definition; more than 450 Canadian academics; the British Columbia Civil Liberties Union; the American Civil Liberties Union; the Ontario Confederat­ion of University Faculty Associatio­ns; Independen­t Jewish Voices Canada; the Canadian Labour Congress, and many others.

By equating justifiabl­e criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, the IHRA WDA draws attention away from the demonstrat­ed threat of antiSemiti­sm from white supremacis­ts and other racist extremists.

This is something we can ill afford. Sheryl Nestel, Toronto

Michael Levitt does not speak for me, nor for many, many other Canadian Jews, as he well knows.

I object to Israel’s human-rights abuses, illegal settlement­s, and its practice of apartheid. This in no way makes me anti-Semitic. I am proud to be a Jew of conscience. Beware of those who claim to speak for entire religions and cultures!

They often have a very partisan axe to grind. Vicki Kelman, Toronto

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