
Easy, Healthy Camping Food


When Jeremy camps in his camper, he says meals are a lot more fun. “At home I will prep some dishes to save time and effort while camping. I love taking a variety of veggies,” he says.

Jeremy has a favorite veggie recipe that requires little preparatio­n for camping.

Veggies with EVOO


• Assortment of veggies

• Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

• Garlic powder

• Rosemary

• Salt and pepper to taste

PREPARATIO­N: Clean and chop up an assortment of your favorite veggies. Drizzle a little EVOO, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and rosemary. Wrap them up in foil and pack them in your cooler or camper fridge. When you are ready to eat, throw them either on the edge of a fire or on a grill. A softer veggie like zucchini or peppers and onions will only take 15-20 minutes, but firmer veggies like sweet potatoes or carrots take more like 45 minutes.

REMEMBER: Softer veggies need to be used in the first couple days of a trip before they get mushy, but the firmer ones can be kept in the cooler for several days before you need to use them up. Just don’t throw them directly in the flames or they will burn. You can use any spices you like.

ADD MEAT TO THE MIX: Jeremy likes to put chicken breasts and a favorite marinade in a gallon freezer bag ahead of time at home, too. It’s simple and much healthier than a burger. “I will usually plan one meat and one veggie for dinner every night Pam and I plan on camping,” he says.

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