Tri-County Vanguard

Courage beer launch at Boxing Rock

Beer brewed in memory of Gord Downie


The label for Courage (For Gord Downie) was inspired by Yarmouth native Erin McGuire.

The beers were flowing freely and the bands were set up amongst the fermenters playing the songs most Canadians know all the words to.

On Nov. 10, Boxing Rock Brewery in Shelburne released their new beer Courage (For Gord Downie).

The beer was created in collaborat­ion with the Garrison Brewing Company as a tribute to Canadian icon Gord Downie who passed away from brain cancer in October.

Yarmouth native and graphic artist Erin McGuire – also a musician and huge Gord Downie fan – was also part of the collaborat­ion with his Tragically Hip-inspired artwork ‘By the Numbers,’ which is being used for the craft beer label.

Emily Tipton, Boxing Rock co-owner, says they had hoped to release the beer before Downie’s death.

The event saw about 70 people throughout the night. To kick it off in style they played a tribute show of local musicians on the brewery floor and served the amber Canadian wheat beer.

The Courage (For Gord Downie) brew sold out that night.

While there are Boxing Rock enthusiast­s Courage (For Gord Downie) beer release party played a tribute to frontman from the Tragically Hip with music by several musicians including Mike, Mathew and Steven Elliot. throughout the province and Maritimes, Tipton says she’s had requests from all across the country.

“It’s not about the beer it’s about Gord Downie,” says Tipton. “Anyone who is a Tragically Hip fan wants to get a hold of this beer.”

As soon as the announceme­nt was made earlier in the year about the plan, liquor stores in Newfoundla­nd called to request orders and the phone hadn’t stopped ringing since.

While the beer had sold out at both Boxing Rock and Garrison Breweries, it was to hit the shelves at NSLC stores in Halifax on Nov. 20.

For Tipton and co-owner Henry Pedro, they both grew up in the generation of Downie’s band the Tragically Hip.

“He was an amazing songwriter and Canadian and really special not just to us but Canadians,” says Tipton.

This is also a fundraiser – $1 from each bottle of this collaborat­ion brew with Box- ing Rock Brewing Company will go directly to causes close to Gord, with $0.50 going to Brain Tumour research and $0.50 going to Indigenous Peoples Reconcilia­tion.

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