Tri-County Vanguard

Marketing magic made simple

- Russell Wangersky Russell Wangersky’s column appears in 36 SaltWire newspapers and websites in Atlantic Canada. He can be reached at russell.wangersky@thetelegra­ — Twitter: @wangersky.

This is a column about a three-foot piece of white cotton string and four three-inch deck screws.

Oh, and a lot more, I hope, but those things for sure. First, the string.

Years ago, I was getting the world’s slackest chicken ready for roasting. A big chicken, but floppy. Trying to get it to lie on its back in the roasting pan was like trying to keep a drunk uncle upright on a corner of the couch. Every time I turned around, some limb or another was akimbo: a leg sagging down here, an elbow-like wing pointing outwards like it was hitch-hiking.

All I needed was a bit of string. I had none.

I ran down the street to a familyowne­d grocery store, hoping they’d have the ball of white string I could picture in my head. They didn’t — but the manager saw me staring hopelessly at their small housewares/ hardware section and asked what I was looking for. I told him what and why: “We don’t have any,” he said, “But…” And then he went back deep into the meat section and came back with three feet of utility string. I reached for my wallet. He shook his head. “Go on.”

I was back in my kitchen teaching the chicken about restraint in a flash. Next, deck screws.

The time when you run out of three-inch deck screws is invariably when you’re 20 feet up on a ladder on a rural property far from hardware’s big-box plenty, trying to replace half of a wooden window ledge that some past “craftsman” cut off with a saw so he could cover the space over quickly with vinyl siding. The time when you run out of deck screws is also when you have screwdrive­rs and a rasp sticking out of one pocket, a caulking gun with a full tube of caulking balanced on the ladder and a window ledge piece that almost fits, teetering on the window itself.

You need those missing deck screws, but you don’t need many.

The only options in the area are a couple of small-town convenienc­e stores — one with a collection of emergency hardware supplies, like braiding supply lines for faucets, stray cans of paint, steel wool, caulking, boxes of screws and nails.

I drove down, still with screwdrive­rs in my pockets.

The owner of the store saw me near the box of deck screws and asked what I was building now. I explained my predicamen­t.

“Just take a handful,” she said. I protested. “No,” she said, “just take them.” I did.

A lot of it is about agency: owners and managers in small businesses are allowed to make their own decisions. Maybe it cuts into profits a tiny bit, but you can sure call it an investment in marketing.

Maybe a couple of feet of white cotton string and a handful of three-inch deck screws aren’t really enough to inspire loyalty. But both of those businesses got far more business from me than any big-box store did by depthcharg­ing my email inbox with nonstop offers.

I mean, I know my nearby grocery chain is tracking all my purchases through my points card. I know that they always use my first name, all friendly-like, when they make their special offers on products their algorithm says I might like.

I understand that there are economies of scale for big stores, and that prices are often higher at small businesses trying to make their margins fit in a low-volume world.

But I know that this is the grocery store that gave me the string, and that’s the convenienc­e store that gave me four deck screws.

And I take them my business whenever I can.

902-245-8054, amanda.doucette@tricountyv­


Office: 902-875-3244 kathy.johnson@tricountyv­

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Trying to dunk a ball in a basketball net while tethered to a bungy cord is not an easy thing to do but proves to be a lot of fun for this Shelburne exhibition goer.
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